Impaired corticomotor function is reported in patients with lateral epicondylalgia, but the causal link to pain or musculotendinous overloading is unclear. In this study, sensorimotor cortical changes were investigated using a model of persistent pain combined with an overloading condition. In 24 healthy subjects, the effect of nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced pain, combined with delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), was examined on pain perception, pressure pain sensitivity, maximal force, and sensorimotor cortical excitability. ⋯ At day 6, compared with day 4, only the DOMS + NGF group showed: (1) increased muscle soreness score (P < 0.01); (2) decreased grip force (P < 0.01); and (3) decreased motor map volume (P < 0.05). The NGF group did not show any difference on the remaining outcomes from day 4 to day 6. These data suggest that sustained muscle pain modulates sensorimotor cortical excitability and that exercise-induced DOMS alters pain-related corticomotor adaptation.
Interindividual differences in pain sensitivity vary as a function of interactions between sensory, cognitive-affective, and dispositional factors. Trait mindfulness, characterized as the innate capacity to nonreactively sustain attention to the present moment, is a psychological construct that is associated with lower clinical pain outcomes. Yet, the neural mechanisms supporting dispositional mindfulness are unknown. ⋯ Whole brain analyses revealed that higher dispositional mindfulness was associated with greater deactivation of a brain region extending from the precuneus to posterior cingulate cortex during noxious heat. These novel findings demonstrate that mindful individuals feel less pain and evoke greater deactivation of brain regions supporting the engagement sensory, cognitive, and affective appraisals. We propose that mindfulness and the posterior cingulate cortex should be considered as important mechanistic targets for pain therapies.
Changes in activity patterns frequently accompany the experience of chronic pain. Two activity patterns, avoidance and overdoing, are hypothesized to contribute to the development of ongoing pain and pain-related disability, while activity pacing is frequently introduced to enhance pain management and functioning. Two studies were conducted to assess whether reliable subgroups with differing activity patterns could be identified in different pain populations and to evaluate changes in these subgroups after a group format, pain management program. ⋯ Individuals who used high levels of activity pacing and low levels of avoidance consistently reported significantly better functioning relative to all other individuals. Observed changes in activity patterns from pre-treatment to post-treatment suggested that decreasing the association between activity pacing and avoidance was associated with better functioning. These results have implications for both the assessment of activity pacing and for its use as an intervention in the management of ongoing pain.
The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is involved in the experience and modulation of pain, and may be an important node linking pain and cognition. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to the left DLPFC can reduce chronic and experimental pain. However, whether left DLPFC rTMS can influence the development of chronic pain is unknown. ⋯ There was a trend toward improved cognitive function with rTMS compared with sham (P = 0.057). These data indicate that repeated left DLPFC rTMS reduces the pain severity in a model of prolonged muscle pain. The findings may have implications for the development of sustained pain in clinical populations.
Modulation of pain may result from engagement of opioid receptors in multiple brain regions. Whether sensory and affective qualities of pain are differentially affected by brain opioid receptor circuits remains unclear. We previously reported that opioid actions within the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) produce selective modulation of affective qualities of neuropathic pain in rodents, but whether such effects may occur in other areas of the ACC is not known. ⋯ Activation of mu opioid receptors within specific rostral ACC circuits, however, selectively modulates affective dimensions of ongoing pain without altering withdrawal behaviors. These data suggest that RVM and ACC opioid circuits differentially modulate sensory and affective qualities of pain, allowing for optimal behaviors that promote escape and survival. Targeting specific ACC opioid circuits may allow for treatment of chronic pain while preserving the physiological function of acute pain.