We describe qualitative and quantitative development and preliminary validation of the Patient Assessment for Low Back Pain-Impacts (PAL-I), a patient-reported outcome measure for use in chronic low back pain (cLBP) clinical trials. Concept elicitation and cognitive interviews (qualitative methods) were used to identify and refine symptom concepts. Classical test theory and Rasch measurement theory (quantitative methods) were used to evaluate item-level and scale-level performance of the PAL-I using an iterative approach between qualitative and quantitative methods. ⋯ Individual item scores and total score discriminated between numeric rating scale tertile groups and painDETECT categories. Interpretation of paper and electronic administration modes was equivalent. The PAL-I demonstrated content validity and is potentially useful to assess treatment benefit in clinical trials of cLBP therapies.
The TRPA1 and TRPV1 receptors are important pharmaceutical targets for antipruritic and analgesic therapy. Obtaining further knowledge on their roles and interrelationship in humans is therefore crucial. Preclinical results are contradictory concerning coexpression and functional interdependency of TRPV1 and TRPA1, but no human evidence exists. ⋯ The capsaicin-ablated skin areas showed significant heat hypoalgesia at baseline (P < 0.001) as well as heat antihyperalgesia, and inhibition of neurogenic inflammation evoked by both 1% capsaicin and 10% AITC provocations (both: P < 0.001). Ablation of cutaneous capsaicin-sensitive afferents caused consistent and equal inhibition of both TRPV1- and TRPA1-provoked responses assessed psychophysically and by imaging of vasomotor responses. This study suggests that TRPA1 nociceptive responses in human skin strongly depend on intact capsaicin-sensitive, TRPV1 fibers.
An interaction between cutaneous nerves and mast cells may contribute to pain in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). To explore this, we investigated the density of dermal nerve fibres, and the density and proximity of mast cells to nerve fibres, in skin biopsies obtained from the affected and unaffected limbs of 57 patients with CRPS and 28 site-matched healthy controls. The percentage of the dermis stained by the pan-neuronal marker protein gene-product 9.5 was lower in the affected limb of patients than in controls (0.12 ± 0.01% vs 0.22 ± 0.04%, P < 0.05), indicating a reduction in dermal nerve fibre density. ⋯ Our findings suggest that this either develops very early after injury or precedes CRPS onset. Loss of dermal nerve fibres in CRPS might result in loss of chemotactic signals, thus halting mast cell migration toward surviving nerve fibres. Failure of normal nerve fibre-mast cell interactions could contribute to the pathophysiology of CRPS.
Aversion to light is common among migraineurs undergoing acute attacks. Using psychophysical assessments in patients with episodic migraine, we reported that white, blue, amber, and red lights exacerbate migraine headache in a significantly larger percentage of patients and to a greater extent compared with green light. This study aimed at determining whether these findings are phase-dependent-namely, manifested exclusively during migraine (ictally) but not in its absence (interictally), or condition-dependent-ie, expressed uniquely in migraineurs but not in healthy controls. ⋯ Notably, green light exacerbated headaches in 40% and triggered headaches in 3% of the patients studied during the ictal and interictal phases, respectively. With one exception (highest red light intensity), no control subject reported headache in response to the light stimuli. These findings suggest that color preference is unique to migraineurs-as it was not found in control subjects-and that it is independent of whether or not the patients are in their ictal or interictal phase.
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a severe form of chronic facial neuropathic pain. Increasing interest in the neuroimaging of pain has highlighted changes in the root entry zone in TN, but also group-level central nervous system gray and white matter (WM) abnormalities. Group differences in neuroimaging data are frequently evaluated with univariate statistics; however, this approach is limited because it is based on single, or clusters of, voxels. ⋯ The structural pattern emphasized WM connectivity of regions that subserve sensory, affective, and cognitive dimensions of pain, including the insula, precuneus, inferior and superior parietal lobules, and inferior and medial orbital frontal gyri. Normalized streamline counts were associated with longer pain duration and WM metric abnormality between the connections. This study demonstrates that machine-learning algorithms can detect characteristic patterns of structural alterations in TN and highlights the role of structural brain imaging for identification of neuroanatomical features associated with neuropathic pain disorders.