Cognitive flexibility, the ability to adapt behavior to changing outcomes, is critical to survival. The prefrontal cortex is a key site of cognitive control, and chronic pain is known to lead to significant morphological changes to this brain region. Nevertheless, the effects of chronic pain on cognitive flexibility and learning remain uncertain. ⋯ After extinction of behavior for learned preferences, SNL animals reverted to their initially preferred (ie, less profitable) behavioral choice. Our data suggest that in the face of uncertainty, chronic pain drives a preference for familiar associations, consistent with reduced cognitive flexibility. The observed burst-like responding may represent a novel learning strategy in animals with chronic pain.
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a set of heterogeneous musculoskeletal conditions involving the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and/or the masticatory muscles. Up to 33% of the population has had at least 1 symptom of TMD with 5% to 10% of them requiring treatment. Common symptoms include limited jaw movement, joint sound, and pain in the orofacial area. ⋯ Microglia activation was observed in the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis. Inhibiting macrophage and microglia activation with a colony stimulating factor-1 receptor inhibitor prevented the development of orofacial mechanical allodynia, but not TMJ dysfunction. This study suggests that mouth opening for an extended period during dental treatments or oral intubations may risk the development of chronic TMD and inflammation associated with macrophage and microglia in the tissue and trigeminal system contributes to the development of TMD pain.