Research shows that chronic pain is related to cortical alterations that can be reflected in reduced tactile acuity, but whether acute pain perception influences tactile acuity has not been tested. Considering the biological role of nociception, it was hypothesized that nociceptive pain will lead to a rapid improvement in tactile acuity and that this effect is correlated with pain intensity and pain distribution. In this randomised double-blind controlled experiment (trial no. ⋯ Other tests, point-to-point test and two-point estimation task, changed with a similar trend but did not reach significance. We concluded that acute, nociceptive pain does not improve but deteriorates tactile acuity linearly. The biological role of the observed phenomenon is unknown, and therefore, future studies should address this question.
Nerve growth factor (NGF) injected into the human skin causes local hyperalgesia to mechanical and electrical stimuli lasting for weeks. Pig data suggested axonal sensitization of C-nociceptors as a contributing mechanism. Here, we recorded single C-nociceptors in 11 human subjects 3 weeks after intracutaneous injection of 1 μg NGF into the foot dorsum. ⋯ The sensitization included sensory and axonal components affecting both activation thresholds and supra-threshold responses. Our data suggest that a combination of sensory sensitization and axonal hyperexcitability is underlying the localized hyperalgesia by facilitating action potential generation and conduction. Axonal changes were also found in the asymptomatic skin surrounding the NGF-treatment sites, thereby possibly reflecting "nociceptive priming."
Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) activates the immune system, resulting in increased proinflammatory cytokines at the site of injury and in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Exercise modulates the immune system promoting an anti-inflammatory phenotype of macrophages in uninjured muscle, and increases in anti-inflammatory cytokines can promote healing and analgesia. We proposed that PNI will decrease, and treadmill exercise will increase, release of anti-inflammatory cytokines at the site of injury and in the spinal cord. ⋯ The increased M2 and decreased M1 macrophages in exercised mice did not occur in IL-4 mice. In the spinal cord, PNI increased glial cell activation, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and β-nerve growth factor levels, and decreased IL-4 and IL-1ra levels, whereas treadmill exercise suppressed glial cells activation (Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein and Iba1 immunoreactivity), reduced brain-derived neurotrophic factor and β-nerve growth factor, and increased IL-4, IL-1ra, and IL-5 concentrations. Our results suggest that IL-4 mediates the analgesia produced by low-intensity exercise by modulating peripheral and central neuroimmune responses in mice with neuropathic pain.
To standardize outcome reporting in clinical trials of patients with nonspecific low back pain, an international multidisciplinary panel recommended physical functioning, pain intensity, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) as core outcome domains. Given the lack of a consensus on measurement instruments for these 3 domains in patients with low back pain, this study aimed to generate such consensus. The measurement properties of 17 patient-reported outcome measures for physical functioning, 3 for pain intensity, and 5 for HRQoL were appraised in 3 systematic reviews following the COSMIN methodology. ⋯ Various participants requested 1 free-to-use instrument per domain. Considering all issues together, recommendations on core instruments were formulated: Oswestry Disability Index version 2.1a or 24-item Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire for physical functioning, NRS for pain intensity, and SF12 or 10-item PROMIS Global Health form for HRQoL. Further studies need to fill the evidence gaps on the measurement properties of these and other instruments.
Numerous studies have shown associations between genetic variants and neuropathic pain disorders. Rare monogenic disorders are caused by mutations of substantial effect size in a single gene, whereas common disorders are likely to have a contribution from multiple genetic variants of mild effect size, representing different biological pathways. ⋯ Biobank cohort. Successfully replicated association with a neuropathic pain construct for 2 variants in IL10 underscores the importance of neuroimmune interactions, whereas genome-wide significant association with low back pain (P = 1.3e-8) and false discovery rate 5% significant associations with hip, knee, and neck pain for variant rs7734804 upstream of the MAT2B gene provide evidence of shared contributing mechanisms to overlapping pain conditions at the molecular genetic level.