Randomized Controlled Trial
Emotional awareness and expression therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and education for fibromyalgia: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
Patients with fibromyalgia (FM) experience increased lifetime levels of psychosocial adversity, trauma, and emotional conflict. To address these risk factors, we developed emotion awareness and expression therapy (EAET) and tested its benefits against an active control condition, FM education, and the field's gold standard intervention for FM, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for symptom management. Adults with FM (N = 230) formed 40 treatment groups, which were randomized to EAET, CBT, or education and given 8, 90-minute sessions. ⋯ Emotional awareness and expression therapy did not differ from CBT on the primary or most secondary outcomes, but compared to CBT, EAET led to significantly lower FM symptoms (d = 0.35) and widespread pain (d = 0.37) and a higher percentage of patients achieving 50% pain reduction (22.5% vs 8.3%). In summary, an intervention targeting emotional awareness and expression related to psychosocial adversity and conflict was well received, more effective than a basic educational intervention, and had some advantages over CBT on pain. We conclude that EAET should be considered as an additional treatment option for FM.
Loss of GABAergic inhibition in pain pathways has been considered to be a key component in the development of chronic pain. In the present study, we intended to examine whether miR-92b-mediated posttranscriptional dysregulation of spinal potassium chloride cotransporter (KCC2) and vesicular γ-aminobutyric acid transporter (VGAT) plays a major role in the development and maintenance of long-term visceral hyperalgesia in neonatal zymosan-treated rats. Neonatal cystitis was induced by transurethral zymosan administration from postnatal (P) days 14 to 16 (protocol 1). ⋯ Intrathecal administration of lentiviral pLSyn-miR-92b-3p sponge (miR-92b-3p inhibitor) upregulated KCC2 and VGAT expression in spinal dorsal horn neurons. In behavioral studies, intrathecal administration of lentiviral miR-92b-3p sponge attenuated an increase in visceromotor responses and referred viscerosomatic hypersensitivity following the induction of cystitis. These findings indicate that miR-92b-3p-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of spinal GABAergic system plays an important role in sensory pathophysiology of zymosan-induced cystitis.