There is a great deal of concern about opioid use in veterans, particularly those who served in Afghanistan (OEF) and Iraq (OIF and OND). The current study provides a detailed pharmacoepidemiologic analysis of opioid use among OEF/OIF/OND veterans from FY09 to FY12. Data from 3 data repositories from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) were used to describe demographic, clinical, and medication characteristics associated with opioid use among OEF/OIF/OND veterans and among those with TBI. ⋯ Back pain was also strongly associated with chronic use (OR = 2.50, P < 0.0001). As pain severity increased the odds of chronic opioid use also increased: mild pain (OR = 3.76, P < 0.0001), moderate pain (OR = 6.80, P < 0.0001), and severe pain (OR = 8.49, P < 0.0001). Opioid use among OEF/OIF/OND veterans is characterized by moderate doses that are used over relatively long periods of time by a minority of veterans.
A primary goal in managing pain is to reduce pain and increase physical function (PF). This goal is also tied to continuing payment for treatment services in many practice guidelines. Pain interference (PI) is often used as a proxy for measurement and reporting of PF in these guidelines. ⋯ A parallel process latent growth curve model analysis showed a weak, unidirectional relationship (β = 0.18) between average PF scores and changes in PI over the course of 90 days of care, and no relationship between average PI scores and changes in PF across time. Although PI and PF seem moderately related when measured concurrently, they do not cluster closely together across time. The differential pathways between these 2 domains suggest that therapies that target both the consequences of pain on relevant aspects of persons' lives, and capability to perform physical activities are likely required for restoration of a vital life.
The prediction of acute postoperative pain would be of great clinical advantage, but results of studies investigating possible predictors are inconsistent. Here, we studied the role of a wide variety of previously suggested predictors in 74 patients undergoing breast surgery. Preoperatively, patients filled out the Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire (PSQ) and a set of psychological questionnaires (the Beck Depression Inventory [BDI], State-Trait Anxiety Inventory [STAI], and Pain Catastrophizing Scale [PCS]) and participated in an experimental pain testing session, including assessment of conditioned pain modulation (CPM), temporal summation, and responses to heat, pinprick, and pressure pain. ⋯ In conclusion, prediction of acute postoperative pain in the whole group was limited. This might be due to differing predictors in specific subgroups of patients. Although CPM predicted pain in patients without pre-existing chronic pain, PSQ and PCS predicted pain in patients with pre-existing chronic pain.
Patients with idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (TN) were categorised into 3 subtypes (n = 225). Group 1 (n = 155, 68.9%) had TN without concomitant pain, group 2 (n = 32, 14.2%) had TN with intermittent concomitant pain, and group 3 (n = 39, 16.9%) had TN with autonomic symptoms. We tested 2 hypotheses: (1) that different pain profiles would be associated with the different groups; (2) that the severe pain associated with TN would impact negatively on activities of daily living and thereby result in disability as defined by the World Health Organisation. ⋯ Prior to referral, only 54% had been prescribed carbamazepine while opioids had been prescribed in 14.6% of the patients. Prior to referral, over 80% had already been to 1 specialist centre which had not provided appropriate management. Patients with TN report varied characteristics but all result in some degree of psychosocial disability especially before adequate therapy is attained.