Multicenter Study
Multinomial logistic regression analysis for differentiating 3 treatment outcome trajectory groups for headache-associated disability.
Growth mixture modeling (GMM) identified latent groups based on treatment outcome trajectories of headache disability measures in patients in headache subspecialty treatment clinics. Using a longitudinal design, 219 patients in headache subspecialty clinics in 4 large cities throughout Ohio provided data on their headache disability at pretreatment and 3 follow-up assessments. ⋯ Three-fourths of patients who initiated treatment with elevated disability levels did not report reductions in disability after 5 months of treatment with new preventive pharmacotherapies. Preventive headache agents may be most efficacious for patients with moderate levels of disability and for patients with high disability levels who attend all treatment appointments.
Existing microarray gene expression profiling studies of tonic/chronic pain were subjected to meta-analysis to identify genes found to be regulated by these pain states in multiple, independent experiments. Twenty studies published from 2002 to 2008 were identified, describing the statistically significant regulation of 2254 genes. Of those, a total of 79 genes were found to be statistically significant "hits" in 4 or more independent microarray experiments, corresponding to a conservative P<0.01 overall. ⋯ We independently confirmed the regulation of 43 of these genes in the rat-CCI-DRG condition; the genetic correlates in all other conditions were largely and, in some cases, strikingly, independent. However, a handful of genes were identified whose regulation bridged etiology, anatomical locus, and/or species. Most notable among these were Reg3b (regenerating islet-derived 3 beta; pancreatitis-associated protein) and Ccl2 (chemokine [C-C motif] ligand 2), which were significantly upregulated in every condition in the rat.
Review Meta Analysis
Systematic review of movement-evoked pain versus pain at rest in postsurgical clinical trials and meta-analyses: a fundamental distinction requiring standardized measurement.
To estimate frequency of movement-evoked pain (MEP) measurement in human postsurgical investigations, we reviewed thoracotomy, knee arthroplasty, and hysterectomy clinical trials and meta-analyses. Only 39% of trials measured MEP and 52% failed to identify pain outcome as pain at rest (PAR) or MEP. Temporal trending did not suggest that MEP measurement is becoming more frequent. ⋯ This is an important problem because MEP is usually more severe than PAR; MEP exerts a more direct adverse impact on postsurgical functional recovery and several current and novel pain treatments differentially affect MEP vs PAR. Failure to distinguish between PAR and MEP and standardize their measurement threatens trial precision and ability to identify interventions with the most clinically relevant effects on pain. We therefore recommend developing consistent terminology regarding PAR and MEP, considering inclusion of MEP as a pain outcome in every postsurgical trial, and standardizing measurement of PAR and MEP on a procedure-specific basis.