Current knowledge on pain-related cerebral networks has relied so far on stimulus-induced brain responses, but not on the analysis of brain activity during spontaneous pain attacks. In this case report, correlation between intracerebral field potentials and online sensations during spontaneously painful epileptic seizures suggests a crucial role of the insula in the development of subjective pain. Attacks originated from a very limited dysplasia located in the posterior third of the right insula and propagated to other areas of the pain matrix, including the parietal operculum and the midcingulate gyrus. ⋯ Stimulation of the insula, but not of other pain matrix regions, induced pain identical to that of seizures. After thermocoagulation of the insular epileptic focus, a short, transient exacerbation of seizures with same painful features but different location was observed before a long-lasting and complete remission of the attacks. Although these preliminary data need to be confirmed, they strongly suggest that if the full pain experience involves the pain matrix network, the posterior insula seems to play a leading role in the triggering of this network and the resulting emergence of subjective pain experience.
Preliminary evidence suggests that pain catastrophizing in children may be important in understanding how parents respond to their child's pain. However, no study has investigated whether parental responses, in turn, moderate the impact of child's catastrophizing upon pain outcomes. The present study was designed to address this, and investigated the association of the child's catastrophizing with different types of parental responses (ie, solicitousness, discouragement and coping promoting responses) and the extent to which parental responses moderate the association between the child's catastrophizing and disability. ⋯ Findings also revealed a moderating impact of mothers' and fathers' promotion of their child's well behaviour/coping. Specifically, the detrimental impact of child catastrophizing upon disability was less pronounced when parents reported high promotion of their child's well behaviours/coping. The findings of the present study suggest the importance of assessing and targeting parental responses to their child's pain to alter the adverse impact of the child's pain catastrophizing on pain outcomes.
Peripheral inflammation alters AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunit trafficking and increases AMPAR Ca(2+) permeability at synapses of spinal dorsal horn neurons. However, it is unclear whether AMPAR trafficking at extrasynaptic sites of these neurons also changes under persistent inflammatory pain conditions. Using patch-clamp recording combined with Ca(2+) imaging and cobalt staining, we found that, under normal conditions, an extrasynaptic pool of AMPARs in rat substantia gelatinosa (SG) neurons of spinal dorsal horn predominantly consists of GluR2-containing Ca(2+)-impermeable receptors. ⋯ This increase was also accompanied by an inward rectification of AMPA-induced currents and enhancement of sensitivity to a highly selective Ca(2+)-permeable AMPAR blocker, IEM-1460. Electron microcopy and biochemical assays additionally showed an increase in the amount of GluR1 at extrasynaptic membranes in dorsal horn neurons 24h post-CFA. Taken together, our findings indicate that CFA-induced inflammation increases functional expression and proportion of extrasynaptic GluR1-containing Ca(2+)-permeable AMPARs in tonically firing excitatory dorsal horn neurons, suggesting that the altered extrasynaptic AMPAR trafficking might participate in the maintenance of persistent inflammatory pain.
Musculoskeletal pain is common among adolescents, but little is known about the factors that affect seeking health care for the problem. We examined the care-seeking pattern among adolescents reporting musculoskeletal pain. The study consisted of adolescents aged 16 years from the 1986 Northern Finland Birth Cohort who responded to a mailed questionnaire in 2001 and reported musculoskeletal pain over the preceding 6 months (n=5052). ⋯ Reporting pain in other anatomical areas decreased the likelihood of seeking care for pain among both genders. In conclusion, relatively few adolescents with musculoskeletal pain had consulted a health professional for the problem. Being physically active (trauma), participating in organized sport (accessibility of care), and having other health problems may explain why an adolescent seeks care for musculoskeletal pain.
The degree to which neuropathic and non-neuropathic pain conditions differ in psychological and psychosocial status remains largely unexplored. A better understanding of these aspects would be of considerable benefit in helping to define whether similar psychological treatment strategies (eg, cognitive-behavioural therapy) can be adopted in the management of neuropathic pain as in non-neuropathic pain conditions. Chronic orofacial pain disorders present a unique opportunity to compare nociceptive and neuropathic pain in the same body region. ⋯ Although patients with trigeminal neuropathic pain (neuropathic pain) and temporomandibular disorder (non-neuropathic pain) described the sensory aspects of their pain differently, they exhibited comparable negative affective-motivational, cognitive-evaluative, and psychosocial states, although these were significantly different compared to healthy controls. These findings support growing evidence that the negative affective, cognitive, and psychosocial state of chronic pain is universal, regardless of a neuropathic or nociceptive nature. Further characterisation of these 4 dimensions of the pain experience in different chronic pain subtypes may improve the efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy.