Activity-regulated, cytoskeletal-associated protein (Arc) is an immediate early gene induced in excitatory circuits following behavioral episodes. Arc mRNA is targeted to activated regions of the dendrite after long-term potentiation (LTP) of the dentate gyrus, a process dependent on NMDA receptor activation. We used post-embedding immunogold electron microscopy (EM) to test whether synaptic Arc expression patterns are selectively modified by plasticity. ⋯ Post-embedding EM revealed Arc immunogold labeling in three times as many spines in the middle molecular layer of the stimulated dentate gyrus than in either the ipsilateral outer molecular layer or the contralateral middle and outer molecular layers. This upregulation did not occur with low frequency stimulation of the perforant path. Therefore Arc protein localization may be a powerful tool to isolate recently activated dendritic spines.
Comparative Study
Blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors by phencyclidine causes the loss of corticostriatal neurons.
Perinatal administration of the N-methyl-Dd-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist phencyclidine (PCP) has been reported to produce regionally selective apoptotic cell death in the frontal cortex. The development of certain behavioral abnormalities following PCP treatment suggested that extracortical regions such as the striatum also could be affected. In this study, perinatal PCP treatment caused a marked reduction in striatal, but not hippocampal, staining for polysialic acid-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM), an NMDA-regulated molecule important in synaptogenesis. ⋯ Further, cortical apoptosis induced by PCP negatively impacts striatal synaptogenesis, a process important in normal neural development. This deficit is probably caused by a reduction in corticostriatal neurotransmission. It is possible that the dysregulation of striatal synaptogenesis contributes to the behavioral abnormalities observed following perinatal PCP administration in vivo.
Abdominal surgery induces mu opioid receptor endocytosis in enteric neurons of the guinea-pig ileum.
Immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy were used to investigate mu opioid receptor (muOR) internalization in enteric neurons of the guinea-pig ileum following abdominal surgery. The following surgical procedures were performed under halothane or isofluorane anesthesia: a) midline abdominal skin incision, b) laparotomy or c) laparotomy with intestinal manipulation. Gastrointestinal transit was evaluated by using a non-absorbable marker and measuring fecal pellet output. ⋯ M.), whereas it was significantly increased by laparotomy (46.5+/-6.1%; P<0.01 vs. controls) or laparotomy plus intestinal manipulation (40.5+/-6.1%; P<0.01 vs. controls) 30 min following surgery compared with controls. muOR endocytosis remained elevated at 4 h (38.6+/-1.2%; P<0.01 vs. controls), whereas it was similar to controls at 6 and 12 h (17.5+/-5.8% and 11.2+/-3.0%). muOR endocytosis occurred in cholinergic and nitrergic neurons. Gastrointestinal transit was significantly delayed by laparotomy or laparotomy plus intestinal manipulation (12.8+/-1.2 and 13.8+/-0.6 h vs. 7.0+/-0.5 in controls; P<0.01), but was not significantly changed by skin incision (8.2+/-0.6 h). The findings of the present study support the concept that the noxious stimulation caused by abdominal surgery induces release of endogenous opioids thus resulting in muOR endocytosis in neurochemically distinct enteric neurons. muOR internalization can serve as indirect evidence of opioid release and as a means to visualize neuronal pathways activated by opioids.
Comparative Study
Differential co-localisation of the P2X7 receptor subunit with vesicular glutamate transporters VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 in rat CNS.
Presynaptic P2X(7) receptors are thought to play a role in the modulation of transmitter release and have been localised to terminals with the location and morphology typical of excitatory boutons. To test the hypothesis that this receptor is preferentially associated with excitatory terminals we combined immunohistochemistry for the P2X(7) receptor subunit (P2X(7)R) with that for two vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT1 and VGLUT2) in the rat CNS. This confirmed that P2X(7)R immunoreactivity (IR) is present in glutamatergic terminals; however, whether it was co-localised with VGLUT1-IR or VGLUT2-IR depended on the CNS region examined. ⋯ In other forebrain areas, P2X(7)R-IR co-localised with VGLUT1-IR throughout the amygdala, caudate putamen, striatum, reticular thalamic nucleus and cortex and with VGLUT2-IR in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, amygdala and hypothalamus. Dual labelling studies performed using markers for cholinergic, monoaminergic, GABAergic and glycinergic terminals indicated that in certain brainstem and spinal cord nuclei the P2X(7)R is also expressed by subpopulations of cholinergic and GABAergic/glycinergic terminals. These data support our previous hypothesis that the P2X(7)R may play a role in modulating glutamate release in functionally different systems throughout the CNS but further suggest a role in modulating release of inhibitory transmitters in some regions.
Comparative Study
Voluntary exercise following traumatic brain injury: brain-derived neurotrophic factor upregulation and recovery of function.
Voluntary exercise leads to an upregulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and associated proteins involved in synaptic function. Activity-induced enhancement of neuroplasticity may be considered for the treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Given that during the first postinjury week the brain is undergoing dynamic restorative processes and energetic changes that may influence the outcome of exercise, we evaluated the effects of acute and delayed exercise following experimental TBI. ⋯ In contrast, cognitive performance in the acute FPI-RW rats was significantly impaired compared with all the other groups. These results suggest that voluntary exercise can endogenously upregulate BDNF and enhance recovery when it is delayed after TBI. However, when exercise is administered to soon after TBI, the molecular response to exercise is disrupted and recovery may be delayed.