Comparative Study
Differential co-localisation of the P2X7 receptor subunit with vesicular glutamate transporters VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 in rat CNS.
Presynaptic P2X(7) receptors are thought to play a role in the modulation of transmitter release and have been localised to terminals with the location and morphology typical of excitatory boutons. To test the hypothesis that this receptor is preferentially associated with excitatory terminals we combined immunohistochemistry for the P2X(7) receptor subunit (P2X(7)R) with that for two vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT1 and VGLUT2) in the rat CNS. This confirmed that P2X(7)R immunoreactivity (IR) is present in glutamatergic terminals; however, whether it was co-localised with VGLUT1-IR or VGLUT2-IR depended on the CNS region examined. ⋯ In other forebrain areas, P2X(7)R-IR co-localised with VGLUT1-IR throughout the amygdala, caudate putamen, striatum, reticular thalamic nucleus and cortex and with VGLUT2-IR in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, amygdala and hypothalamus. Dual labelling studies performed using markers for cholinergic, monoaminergic, GABAergic and glycinergic terminals indicated that in certain brainstem and spinal cord nuclei the P2X(7)R is also expressed by subpopulations of cholinergic and GABAergic/glycinergic terminals. These data support our previous hypothesis that the P2X(7)R may play a role in modulating glutamate release in functionally different systems throughout the CNS but further suggest a role in modulating release of inhibitory transmitters in some regions.
The median raphe nucleus is involved in controlling and maintaining hippocampal activity through its projection to inhibitory neurons in medial septum and hippocampus. It has been shown that anterogradely axonal-traced fibers originating in the median raphe nucleus project onto calbindin-containing neurons in hippocampus and parvalbumin-containing neurons in medial septum. Parallel immunohistochemistry studies showing serotonin fibers contacting calbindin- and parvalbumin-positive neurons have led to the assumption that raphe fibers projecting on these types of neurons are mainly serotonergic. ⋯ By use of triple immunofluorescence-labeling we analyzed the serotonergic content of the biotin dextran amine-labeled fibers contacting parvalbumin- and calbindin-positive neurons. Surprisingly, we found a significant non-serotonergic projection from both dorsal and median raphe nuclei onto calbindin- and parvalbumin-containing interneurons in septum and hippocampus, with a preference in hippocampus for projecting onto calbindin-positive neurons. These results indicate that the raphe nuclei may exert their control on hippocampal and septal activity not only through a serotonergic projection, but also through a significant non-serotonergic pathway.
Environmental thermal stimuli result in specific and coordinated thermoregulatory response in homeothermic animals. Warm exposure activates numerous brain areas within the cortex, hypothalamus, pons and medulla oblongata. We identified these thermosensitive cell groups in the medulla and pons that were suggested but not outlined by previous physiological studies. ⋯ Among several brain regions, warm exposure elicited c-fos expression specifically in the ventrolateral part of the medial preoptic area, the central subdivision of the lateral parabrachial nucleus and the caudal part of the peritrigeminal nucleus, whereas cold stress resulted in c-fos expression in the ventromedial part of the medial preoptic area, the external subdivision of the lateral parabrachial nucleus and the rostral part of the peritrigeminal nucleus. These neurons are part of a network coordinating specific response to warm or cold exposure. The topographical differences suggest that well-defined cell groups and subdivisions of nuclei are responsible for the specific physiological (endocrine, autonomic and behavioral) changes observed in different thermal environment.
Polyimide regenerative electrodes (RE) constitute a promising neural interface to selectively stimulate regenerating fibers in injured nerves. The characteristics of the regeneration through an implanted RE, however, are only beginning to be established. It was recently shown that the number of myelinated fibers distal to the implant reached control values 7 months postimplant; however, the functional recovery remained substantially below normal [J Biomed Mater Res 60 (2002) 517]. ⋯ Moreover, smaller ganglion cells regenerated better than large neurons by a significant 13.8%. These results indicate that the RE is not an obstacle for the re-growth of sensory fibers, but partially hinders fiber regeneration from motoneurons. They also suggest that fine fibers may be at an advantage over large ones to regenerate through the RE.
The emerging profile for the effects of prenatal cocaine exposure presents two prominent features in the exposed offspring: cognitive/attention deficits and an age-associated trend toward motor/tone abnormalities up to 2 years of age. One candidate mechanism underlying these clinical features is long-lasting alterations to dopamine (DA) neuron function. However, the impact of prenatal cocaine exposure on DA release in dopaminergic terminal fields in vivo in mature offspring is poorly understood. ⋯ We also measured total dopamine transporter (DAT) and tyrosine hydroxylase protein levels in these offspring by blot immunolabeling and found a small, but significant, decrease in DAT protein in striatum from offspring exposed at GD 8-21 and GD 15-21. Collectively, these data demonstrate that prenatal cocaine exposure during dopamine neuron neurogenesis has long-lasting effects on DA neuron function lasting into early adulthood which may be related in part to steady state DAT protein levels. These molecular events may be associated with established cognitive deficits and perhaps the trends seen in altered motor behavior.