Functional loss after spinal cord injuries is originated by primary and secondary injury phases whose underlying mechanisms include massive release of excitatory amino acids to cytotoxic levels that contribute to neural death. Attenuation of this excitotoxicity is a key point for improving the functional outcome after injury. One of the drugs with potential neuroprotective actions is FK506, a molecule widely used as an immunosuppressant. ⋯ In contrast, the combination of both agents led to a transient reduction in Hsp70 levels in parallel to a marked reduction in IL-1beta precursor production by glial cells. The use of geldanamycin, which promotes persistent induction of Hsp70 in these cells as well as in motoneurons, did not produce tissue neuroprotection. These observations suggest that FK506 might protect spinal cord tissue by targeting on microglial cells and that transient downregulation of Hsp70 on these cells after excitotoxicity is a relevant mechanism of action of FK506.
We examined the spatial and temporal expression patterns of active p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), an important regulator of immune cell function, following spinal cord injury (SCI). We further assessed whether administration of SB203580, an inhibitor of p38 MAPK activity, would reduce inflammation, improve tissue sparing, and improve functional outcome after SCI. Adult Wistar rats were subjected to a T9/10 SCI contusion of moderate severity and killed at several time points after injury, whereas sham-injured (control) animals only received a laminectomy. ⋯ In addition, active p38 MAPK was localized to macrophages within white matter fiber tracts undergoing degeneration, several segments rostral and caudal to the injury site, which persisted for at least 6 weeks. Overall, our results demonstrate that active p38 MAPK is increased within resident and invading immune cells after SCI contusion injury and, therefore, may be an important target to regulate the inflammatory cascade after SCI. However, intrathecal application of SB203580 failed to improve functional outcome after a moderate SCI contusion.
Comparative Study
Cortical dopaminergic innervation among humans, chimpanzees, and macaque monkeys: a comparative study.
In this study, we assessed the possibility that humans differ from other primate species in the supply of dopamine to the frontal cortex. To this end, quantitative comparative analyses were performed among humans, chimpanzees, and macaques using immunohistochemical methods to visualize tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive axons within the cerebral cortex. Axon densities and neuron densities were quantified using computer-assisted stereology. ⋯ Analysis of axon length density to neuron density among species revealed that humans and chimpanzees together deviated from macaques in having increased dopaminergic afferents in layers III and V/VI of areas 9 and 32, but there were no phylogenetic differences in area 4. Finally, morphological specializations of axon coils that may be indicative of cortical plasticity events were observed in humans and chimpanzees, but not macaques. Our findings suggest significant modifications of dopamine's role in cortical organization occurred in the evolution of the apes, with further changes in the descent of humans.
Following transection of the spinal cord, severed axonal ends retract from the lesion site and attempt regeneration within 24 h of injury. Molecular mechanisms underlying such rapid axonal reactions after severance are not fully characterized so far. To better understand the early axonal degenerating and regenerating processes, we examined the immunohistological expression of axonal cytoskeletal proteins from 5 min to 48 h after scalpel-transection of adult rat spinal cord white matter. ⋯ These observations indicate that adult rat cordotomy with a scalpel results in the rapid formation of intensely NF-IR-positive zipper-like axon segments at the transection site, which are similar to "preserved fibers" reported by Ramon y Cajal [Ramon y Cajal S (1928) Degeneration and regeneration in the nervous system. New York: Hafner]. On the other hand, axonal regenerative responses start within 6 h of injury, which may be supported by calpain-activation and intra-axonal protein synthesis.
Previous investigations with 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) have suggested that administration of this drug results in a degeneration of 5-HT nerve terminals and subsequent alterations in 5-HT neurotransmission. However, only limited investigations have examined the effects of MDMA on the dorsal raphe nucleus. The present study was designed to assess the effect of MDMA on the rate-limiting enzyme in 5-HT biosynthesis, tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), by measuring TPH2 protein and mRNA levels in rat dorsal raphe (DR) nucleus. ⋯ MDMA treatment significantly decreased (125)I-RTI-55 labeled SERT binding sites in the striatum, nucleus accumbens and cingulate cortex demonstrating a loss of 5-HT terminals. The increase in TPH2 mRNA levels in both the mid DR and caudal DR of MDMA-treated rats may reflect a compensatory mechanism in the injured 5-HT neurons to increase TPH2 protein synthesis. Taken together, our results suggest that a serious defect occurs in the biosynthesis of TPH2 in the DR following MDMA administration.