Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of zinc-dependent endopeptidases involved in brain development and the etiology of adult cerebral injuries. In this study, we determined the MMP-2 and 9 responses following hypoxic ischemia (HI) injury in the developing brain. First, we characterized the developmental changes of MMP activity in the rat brain from embryonic day 18 (E18) to postnatal day 120 (P120). ⋯ Immunohistochemistry indicated that MMP-9 protein expression was localized predominantly to neurons and peri-vascular astrocytes in the affected regions at early time points, whereas MMP-2 was present on reactive astrocytes surrounding the infarct at later time points. Together, these results indicate that MMP-2 may be primarily associated with the development and differentiation of cortical plate neurons and wound recovery processes. Conversely, MMP-9 appeared to be associated with more acute processes during the period of lesion development.
Cadherin23 has been proposed to form the upper part of the tip link, an interstereocilial link believed to control opening of transducer channels of sensory hair cells. However, we detect tip link-like links in mouse mutants with null alleles of Cdh23, suggesting the presence of other components that permit formation of a link between the tip of one stereocilium and the side of the adjacent taller stereocilium.
During peripheral tissue inflammation, inflammatory processes in the CNS can be initiated by blood-borne pro-inflammatory mediators. The choroid plexus, the site of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) production, is a highly specialized interface between the vascular system and CNS, and thus, this structure may be an important element in communication between the vascular compartment and the CNS during peripheral tissue inflammation. We investigated the potential participation of the choroid plexus in this process during peripheral tissue inflammation by examining expression of the small inducible cytokine A2 (SCYA2) gene which codes for monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). ⋯ Given that we also detected increased levels of MCP-1 protein by ELISA, we sought to identify potential downstream targets of MCP-1 and observed altered expression levels of mRNAs encoding tight junction proteins TJP2 and claudin 5. Finally, we detected a substantial up-regulation of the transcript encoding endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule 1 (E-selectin), a molecule which could participate in leukocyte recruitment to the choroid plexus along with MCP-1. Together, these results suggest that profound changes occur in the choroid plexus during peripheral tissue inflammation, likely initiated by blood-borne inflammatory mediators, which may modify events in CNS.
The somatotopic map of the first nociceptive component in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is still unclear. In this study, a CO(2) laser was applied to the tail of the rat to induce nociception without the interference from large myelinated (A(beta)) fibers. Thus, only noxious fibers could be activated. ⋯ We found that whether light touch or laser-induced nociception was applied to the tail of the rat, the responsive topography in S1 was consistent. Discrimination of these two modalities was achieved vertically in the same column; the deeper layer represented the nociceptive response while the superficial layer encoded the response to light touch. This is quite different from that of a primate brain.
Experiential therapies, such as enriched environment (EE), have been shown to influence the neurodegenerative processes that underlie Parkinson's disease. We have previously demonstrated that EE promotes functional improvement in dopamine-depleted rats. Here we compare the influence of exposure to EE prior to versus after dopamine depletion in the 6-hydroxydopamine rat model of Parkinson's disease. ⋯ Exposure to pre-lesion EE in particular promoted structural plasticity as indicated by increased expression of the main cytoskeletal component microtubule associated protein-2 in the lesion dorsal striatum. Continuous EE showed absence of rotational bias suggesting attenuated dopamine loss. These data indicate that enriched lifestyle before the onset of motor symptoms and rehabilitation programs after diagnosis might be beneficial in patients with Parkinson's disease.