Heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) exerts cytoprotection against many cellular insults including cerebral ischemia. We previously indicated that intravenous injection of HSP27 purified from human lymphocytes (hHSP27) significantly reduced infarct volume following cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury, while recombinant HSP27 (rHSP27) was less effective. Phosphorylation is important for HSP27 function, and hHSP27 was more highly phosphorylated than rHSP27. ⋯ Compared with BSA controls (30.7±3.1mm(3), n=5), infarct volume was reduced by 67% in the hHSP27 positive-control group (10.1±4.6mm(3), P<0.001, n=5), 17% following rHSP27 (25.4±3.6mm(3), P<0.05, n=5), and 46% following prHSP27 (16.5±4.0mm(3), P<0.001, n=9). Compared to the rHSP27 and BSA-treated groups, prHSP27 also reduced functional deficits, and significantly suppressed apoptosis, oxidative stress, and inflammatory responses. Here, we showed the superior neuroprotective effects of phosphorylated HSP27 by administering prHSP27. prHSP27 may be a useful therapeutic agent to protect against acute cerebral ischemic stroke.
Depending on an animal's behavioral state, hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells receive distinct patterns of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs. The time-dependent changes in the frequencies of these inputs and the nonuniform distribution of voltage-gated channels lead to dynamic fluctuations in membrane conductance. In this study, using a whole-cell patch-clamp method, we attempted to record and analyze the frequency dependencies of membrane responsiveness in Wistar rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells following noise current injection directly into dendrites and somata under pharmacological blockade of all synaptic inputs. ⋯ The low-pass filtering properties in the apical dendrites were more enhanced by membrane depolarization than those in the somata. Coherence spectral analysis revealed high coherence between the input signal and the output voltage response in the theta-gamma frequency range, and large lags emerged in the distal dendrites in the gamma frequency range. Our results suggest that apical dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells integrate synaptic inputs according to the frequency components of the input signal along the dendritic segments receiving the inputs.
The tetrameric kainate receptors can be assembled from a combination of five different subunit subtypes. While GluK1-3 subunits can form homomeric receptors, GluK4 and GluK5 require a heteromeric partner to assemble, traffic to the membrane surface, and produce a functional channel. Previous studies have shown that incorporation of a GluK4 or GluK5 subunit changes both receptor pharmacology and channel kinetics. ⋯ In addition, mutation of the agonist binding site of GluK5 results in a heteromeric receptor with a glutamate sensitivity similar to homomeric GluK1 or GluK2 receptors, but which requires higher agonist concentrations to produce desensitization. This suggests that onset of desensitization in heteromeric receptors is determined more by the number of subunits bound to agonist than by the identity of those subunits. The distinct, concentration-dependent properties observed with heteromeric receptors in response to glutamate or kainate are consistent with a model in which either subunit can activate the channel, but in which occupancy of both subunits within a dimer is needed to allow desensitization of GluK2/K5 receptors.
Our previous studies on healthy individuals and stroke patients led us to propose that the dominant and nondominant arms are specialized for distinct motor control processes. We hypothesize that the dominant arm is specialized for predictive control of limb dynamics, and the nondominant arm is specialized for impedance control. We previously introduced a hybrid control scheme to explain lateralization of single-joint elbow movements. ⋯ In contrast, the trajectories of the dominant arm were best fit, when the switch to impedance mechanisms occurred late in the deceleration phase of motion. These results support a model of motor lateralization in which the dominant controller is specialized for predictive control of task dynamics, while the nondominant arm is specialized for impedance control mechanisms. For the first time, we are able to operationally define handedness expressed during multi-joint movements by applying a computational control model.
Auditory brainstem networks facilitate sound source localization through binaural integration. A key component of this circuitry is the projection from the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) to the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), a relay nucleus that provides inhibition to the superior olivary complex. This strictly contralateral projection terminates in the large calyx of Held synapse. ⋯ We then determined the distribution of glial cells following early (P2) unilateral cochlear removal, which results in formation of ectopic projections from the intact VCN to ipsilateral MNTB. We found that following perturbation, astrocytic markers showed expression near the ectopic ipsilateral calyx. Taken together, the developmental expression patterns are consistent with a role for glial cells in the maturation of the calyx of Held and suggest that these cells may have a similar role in maturation of lesion-induced connections.