Recent research suggests a complex role for microglia not only in Parkinson's disease but in other disorders involving alpha-synuclein aggregation, such as multiple system atrophy. In these neurodegenerative processes, the activation of microglia is a common pathological finding, which disturbs the homeostasis of the neuronal environment otherwise maintained, among others, by microglia. The term activation comprises any deviation from what otherwise is considered normal microglia status, including cellular abundance, morphology or protein expression. ⋯ Microglia's behavior will therefore be a determinant on the disease's progression. For this reason we believe that the better understanding of microglia's response to alpha-synuclein pathological accumulation across brain areas and disease stages is essential to develop novel therapeutic tools for Parkinson's disease and other alpha-synucleinopathies. In this review we will revise the most recent findings and developments with regard to alpha-synuclein and microglia in Parkinson's disease.
Inflammation has long been associated with the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD) but the extent to which it is a cause or consequence is sill debated. Over the past decade a number of genes have been implicated in PD. ⋯ Determining how the function of these genes and the proteins they encode are altered in PD has become a priority, as results will likely provide much needed insights into contributing causes. Accumulating evidence indicates that many of these genes function in pathways that regulate aspects of immunity, particularly inflammation, suggesting close associations between PD and immune homeostasis.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is the prototypic pro-inflammatory cytokine. It is central to host defense and inflammatory responses but under certain circumstances also triggers cell death and tissue degeneration. Its pleiotropic effects often lead to opposing outcomes during the development of immune-mediated diseases, particularly those affecting the central nervous system (CNS). ⋯ Thus the roles of TNF signaling in the CNS shift from the conventional dichotomy of beneficial and deleterious, that mainly explain effects under pathological conditions, to incorporate a growing number of "essential" and "desirable" roles for TNF and its main cellular source in the CNS, microglia, under physiological conditions including regulation of neuronal activity and maintenance of myelin. An improved holistic view of TNF function in the CNS might better reconcile the expansive experimental data with stark clinical evidence that reduced functioning of TNF and its dominant pro-inflammatory receptor, TNFR1, are risk factors for the development of multiple sclerosis. It will also facilitate the safe translation of basic research findings from animal models to humans and propel the development of more selective anti-TNF therapies aimed at selectively inhibiting deleterious effects of this cytokine while maintaining its essential and desirable ones, in the periphery and the CNS.
Activation of microglia associated with neuroinflammation and loss of phagocytic activity is considered to play a prominent role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). CHF5074 (CSP-1103) has been shown to improve cognition and reduce brain inflammation in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). CHF5074 was also found to reverse impairments in recognition memory and improve hippocampal long-term potentiation when administered to plaque-free Tg2576 mice (5-month-old) for 4 weeks. ⋯ Moreover, CHF5074 significantly increased the expression of anti-inflammatory/phagocytic markers MRC1/CD206 and TREM2, reduced by the Aβ42 application alone. The effect of CHF5074 was not reproduced by ibuprofen (3 μM or 500 μM) or R-flurbiprofen (3 μM or 100 μM), as both compounds limited the pro-inflammatory gene expression but did not modify the anti-inflammatory/phagocytic transcription. These data show that CHF5074 specifically drives the expression of microglia M2 markers either in young Tg2576 hippocampus or in primary astrocyte-microglia cultures, suggesting its potential therapeutic efficacy as microglial modulator in the early phase of AD.
The pervasive reach of the inflammatory system is evidenced by its involvement in numerous disease states. Cardiovascular disease, marked by high levels of circulating inflammatory mediators, affects an estimated 83.6 million Americans. Similarly, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) produces a paradoxical state of generalized immune activity despite widespread immunosuppression, and affects 35 million people worldwide. ⋯ In this combined disease state, immune mechanisms that are common to both CVD and HIV may interact to generate a progressive condition that contributes to the exacerbated pathogenesis of the other to the net effect of damage to the brain. In this review, we will outline inflammatory cell mediators that promote cardiovascular risk factors and disease initiation and detail how HIV-related proteins may accelerate this process. Finally, we examine the extent to which these comorbid conditions act as parallel, perpendicular, or progressive sequela of events to generate a neurodegenerative environment, and consider potential strategies that can be implemented to reduce the burden of CVD and inflammation in PLWH.