Palatable taste can stimulate appetite in the absence of hunger, and individual differences in hedonic eating may be critical to overeating. Women are more prone to obesity and binge eating than men, which warrants comparisons of hedonic versus physiological consumption and the underlying neural substrates in both sexes. The current study examined palatable (high-sugar) food consumption in male and female rats under physiological hunger and satiety, and the role of the neuropeptide orexin/hypocretin (ORX). ⋯ We systematically characterized Fos induction patterns of ORX neurons across the entire rostrocaudal extent of the lateral hypothalamus and found that they were activated by food and by fasting in both sexes. Then, we showed that systemic blockade of ORX receptor 1 signaling with SB-334867 decreased palatable food consumption in hungry and sated rats of both sexes. These results demonstrate sex differences in hedonic eating; increased susceptibility in females to overeat palatable food regardless of hunger state, and that ORX is a critical neuropeptide mechanism of hedonic eating in both sexes.
Aging occurs due to a combination of several factors, such as telomere attrition, cellular senescence, and stem cell exhaustion. The telomere attrition-dependent cellular senescence is regulated by increased levels of SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 (smurf2). With age smurf2 expression increases and Smurf2 protein interacts with several regulatory proteins including, Smad7, Ep300, Yy1, Sirt1, Mdm2, and Tp53, likely affecting its function related to cellular aging. ⋯ Also, the expression levels of its interacting partners defined by the STRING database, tp53, mdm2, ep300a, yy1a, smad7, and sirt1, were analyzed. Multivariate analysis indicated that smurf2, ep300a, and sirt1, whose proteins regulate ubiquitination, acetylation, and deacetylation of target proteins including Smad7 and Tp53, showed age- and brain region-dependent patterns. Our data suggest a likely balance between Smurf2- and Mdm2-mediated ubiquitination, and Ep300a-mediated acetylation/Sirt1-mediated deacetylation, which most possibly affects the functionality of other interacting partners in regulating cellular and synaptic aging and ultimately cognitive dysfunction.