AJR. American journal of roentgenology
AJR Am J Roentgenol · Dec 2016
Accuracy of Liver Surface Nodularity Quantification on MDCT as a Noninvasive Biomarker for Staging Hepatic Fibrosis.
The purpose of this study was to investigate objective semiautomated measurement of liver surface nodularity on MDCT for prediction of underlying hepatic fibrosis (stages F0-F4). ⋯ Objective quantification of liver surface nodularity at MDCT allows accurate discrimination between stages of hepatic fibrosis, especially at more advanced levels. Although the results are comparable to those of elastography, this simple semiautomated biomarker can be measured retrospectively without additional equipment or patient time.
AJR Am J Roentgenol · Dec 2016
Randomized Controlled TrialCan MDCT Unmask Instability in Binder-Stabilized Pelvic Ring Disruptions?
Pelvic binders may hinder radiologic assessment of pelvic instability after trauma, and avulsive injuries can potentially unmask instability in this setting. We compare the performance of MDCT for the detection of pelvic disruptions in patients with binders to a matched cohort without binders, and we assess the utility of avulsive injuries as signs of pelvic instability. ⋯ Evaluation for avulsive signs improves MDCT sensitivity for the detection of rotational instability but not vertical instability in patients with binders.
AJR Am J Roentgenol · Dec 2016
Comparative StudyThermal Ablation of Colorectal Lung Metastases: Retrospective Comparison Among Laser-Induced Thermotherapy, Radiofrequency Ablation, and Microwave Ablation.
The purpose of this study is to retrospectively evaluate local tumor control, time to tumor progression, and survival rates among patients with lung metastatic colorectal cancer who have undergone ablation therapy performed using laser-induced thermotherapy (LITT), radiofrequency ablation (RFA), or microwave ablation (MWA). ⋯ LITT, RFA, and MWA can be used as therapeutic options for lung metastases resulting from colorectal cancer. Statistically significant differences in local tumor control revealed a potential advantage in using MWA. No differences in time to tumor progression or survival rates were detected when the three different ablation methods were compared.
AJR Am J Roentgenol · Dec 2016
Observational StudyAbnormal Bone Marrow Signal Intensity in the Phalanges of the Foot as a Manifestation of Raynaud Phenomenon: A Report of Six Patients.
The objectives of our study were to describe the MRI findings of pedal phalangeal bone marrow edema in patients with Raynaud phenomenon (RP) and discuss the clinical implications of these MRI findings. ⋯ There is a progressive distal-to-proximal pattern of pedal phalangeal bone marrow edema on MRI in patients with RP. This knowledge may allow early diagnosis and treatment of rheumatologic disorders that are potentially associated with RP.
AJR Am J Roentgenol · Dec 2016
Observational StudyThe Association Between Use of Brain CT for Atraumatic Headache and 30-Day Emergency Department Revisitation.
The purpose of this article is to describe the association between initial CT for atraumatic headache and repeat emergency department (ED) visitation within 30 days of ED discharge. ⋯ After adjustment for clinical factors, we found that patients who underwent a brain CT examination for atraumatic headache at an initial ED visit were less likely to return to the ED within 30 days. Future appropriate use quality metrics regarding ED imaging use may need to incorporate downstream health care use.