Clinical cardiology
Clinical cardiology · Feb 2011
Renal dysfunction in heart failure is due to congestion but not low output.
Renal dysfunction in heart failure is thought to be due to poor perfusion of the kidney. ⋯ Renal dysfunction in heart failure is determined more by passive congestion than by low perfusion.
Clinical cardiology · Feb 2011
Randomized Controlled TrialThe effects of statin monotherapy and low-dose statin/ezetimibe on lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A₂.
Many of the pleiotropic effects of statins remain to be elucidated. ⋯ Atorvastatin monotherapy was stronger at reducing plasma Lp-PLA₂ than the low-dose atorvastatin/ezetimibe combination after equivalent LDL-C lowering. This result may provide evidence of potential statin effects beyond the lowering of LDL-C.