Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Feb 2007
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical TrialA cluster randomized controlled trial of school-based prevention of tobacco, alcohol and drug use: the EU-Dap design and study population.
The empirical evidence of effectiveness of many school-based programs against substance abuse is rather weak. The EU-Dap study is a multicenter cluster randomized community trial (CRCT) designed to evaluate such a program. This paper presents study design and baseline characteristics of the study population. ⋯ EU-Dap is the first European multicenter randomized study to evaluate the effectiveness of a school program targeting tobacco, alcohol and drug use. The baseline assessment showed high prevalence and wide geographical variations of substance use.
Preventive medicine · Feb 2007
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialEvaluating a community-based walking intervention for hypertensive older people in Taiwan: a randomized controlled trial.
To study the effect of a community-based walking intervention on blood pressure among older people. ⋯ Among hypertensive older people, a six-month community-based walking intervention was effective in increasing their exercise self-efficacy and reducing systolic blood pressure.
Preventive medicine · Feb 2007
Multicenter StudyTesting anonymous link procedures for follow-up of adolescents in a school-based trial: the EU-DAP pilot study.
To study the feasibility of an anonymous coding procedure linking longitudinal information in a multi-center trial of substance abuse prevention among adolescents. ⋯ Self-generation of anonymous codes is a feasible, but not a very efficient procedure to link longitudinal data among adolescents. Easy derivation and iterative matching procedures are crucial for achieving high efficiency of this type of anonymous linkage.
Preventive medicine · Feb 2007
Modifiable lifestyle behaviors and functional health in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC)-Norfolk population study.
To examine the association between modifiable lifestyle behaviors and functional health. ⋯ Modifiable behavioral factors are associated with substantial differences in the observed age-related decline in physical functional health and the prevalence of those in good and poor functional health in the community.
Preventive medicine · Feb 2007
Health-related behaviours as predictors of mortality and morbidity in Australian Aborigines.
To examine predictors of coronary heart disease (CHD) and all-cause mortality in Aboriginal Australians. ⋯ Lifestyle in Aboriginal Australians predicts coronary heart disease and all-cause mortality. Clustering of adverse behaviours is common and increases risk of coronary heart disease and death.