Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Feb 2007
Improving physical activity assessment in prepubertal children with high-frequency accelerometry monitoring: a methodological issue.
The aim of this study was to examine the duration of physical activity (PA) bouts in prepubertal children with high-frequency accelerometry monitoring. ⋯ Children's PA pattern is highly transitory and intermittent whatever its intensity. Physical activity assessed with a sampling interval related to children's behavior may improve our understanding of their PA patterns.
Preventive medicine · Feb 2007
The prevalence and clustering of four major lifestyle risk factors in an English adult population.
The aim of this study was to examine the clustering of four major lifestyle risk factors (smoking, heavy drinking, lack of fruit and vegetables consumption, and lack of physical activity), and to examine the variation across different socio-demographic groups in the English adult population. ⋯ The clustering of multiple risk factors provides support for multiple-behavior interventions as opposed to single-behavior interventions.