Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Jul 2015
ReviewEvaluation of physical activity interventions in youth via the Reach, Efficacy/Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework: A systematic review of randomised and non-randomised trials.
An identified limitation of existing reviews of physical activity interventions in school-aged youth is the lack of reporting on issues related to the translatability of the research into health promotion practice. ⋯ Areas requiring further research include costs associated with recruitment and implementation, adoption rate, and representativeness of participants and settings. This review adds data to support recommendations that interventions promoting physical activity in youth should include assessment of adoption and implementation issues.
Preventive medicine · Jul 2015
ReviewAdult community health-promoting interventions in primary health care: A systematic review.
To examine evidence on the effectiveness of health-promoting community interventions carried out in primary health care. ⋯ The community approach may be more effective than the individual in usual preventive interventions in primary care. There is a lack of evidence on many community interventions in primary care and further research is needed.
Preventive medicine · Jul 2015
Fruit and vegetable consumption and food values: National patterns in the United States by Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility and cooking frequency.
More frequent cooking at home may help improve diet quality and be associated with food values, particularly for individuals participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). ⋯ Fruit and vegetable consumption in the United States is low regardless of cooking frequency. Efforts to improve diet quality should consider values on which food purchases are based.
Preventive medicine · Jul 2015
ReviewAccelerometer-measured sedentary time and cardiometabolic biomarkers: A systematic review.
We conducted a systematic review to investigate the cross-sectional and prospective associations of accelerometer-measured total sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time with individual cardiometabolic biomarkers in adults ≥18years of age. ⋯ Total sedentary time was consistently shown to be associated with poorer insulin sensitivity, even after adjusting for time spent in physical activity. This finding supports the proposed association between sedentary time and the development of Type 2 diabetes and reinforces the need to identify interventions to reduce time spent sedentary.
Preventive medicine · Jul 2015
Randomized Controlled TrialAbstinence rates among college cigarette smokers enrolled in a randomized clinical trial evaluating Quit and Win contests: The impact of concurrent hookah use.
To examine baseline characteristics and biochemically verified 1-, 4-, and 6-month tobacco quit rates among college students enrolled in a Quit and Win cessation trial, comparing those who concurrently smoke both hookah and cigarettes with those who deny hookah use. ⋯ College cigarette smokers who concurrently use hookah display several health risk factors and demonstrate lower short and long-term tobacco abstinence rates.