Preventive medicine
To examine whether alcohol consumption in adulthood is related to the incidence of receiving a disability pension later in life. ⋯ Drinking profiles in early adulthood are an important predictor of receiving a disability pension later in life.
Preventive medicine · May 2016
Review Meta AnalysisA systematic review and meta-analysis of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity levels in elementary school physical education lessons.
To examine elementary school students' moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) levels during physical education (PE) lessons. ⋯ MVPA levels during elementary school PE lessons do not meet the United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and the United Kingdom's Association of Physical Education recommendation (50% of lesson time), but is higher than estimated in the previous review (34.2%). Interventions to increase MVPA in PE lessons are needed.
Preventive medicine · May 2016
Perceptions of opportunities for physical activity in 28 European countries.
This study examined the relationship between perceptions of opportunities for physical activity in the local area and physical activity levels in European adults. ⋯ Perceptions of opportunities for physical activity in the local area were associated with increased levels of all types of physical activity. Despite small improvements in perceptions of opportunities in the local area over the past decade, a variety of further interventions will be required to reduce the disease burden resulting from low physical activity levels.
Preventive medicine · May 2016
ReviewPark characteristics, use, and physical activity: A review of studies using SOPARC (System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities).
The System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) can obtain information on park users and their physical activity using momentary time sampling. We conducted a literature review of studies using the SOPARC tool to describe the observational methods of each study, and to extract public park use overall and by demographics and physical activity levels. We searched PubMed, Embase, and SPORTDiscus for full-length observational studies published in English in peer-reviewed journals through 2014. ⋯ There was a wide range of park users (mean 1.0 to 152.6 people/park/observation period), with typically more males than females visiting parks and older adults less than other age groups. Park user physical activity levels varied greatly across studies, with youths generally more active than adults and younger children more active than adolescents. SOPARC was adapted to numerous settings and these review results can be used to improve future studies using the tool, demonstrate ways to compare park data, and inform park promotions and programming.
Preventive medicine · May 2016
Randomized Controlled TrialPreventing obesity among Brazilian adolescent girls: Six-month outcomes of the Healthy Habits, Healthy Girls-Brazil school-based randomized controlled trial.
School-based trials to prevent and reduce prevalence of pediatric obesity in low-income countries are necessary. In Brazil, addressing adolescent obesity is a public health priority. ⋯ These findings provide some evidence for the benefit of a school-based intervention to prevent unhealthy weight gain in adolescent girls living in low-income communities.