Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Dec 2020
Sitting at work & waist circumference-A cross-sectional study of Australian workers.
Studies examining associations of sitting time at work with obesity measures have produced inconsistent findings. Different sample characteristics across studies, e.g., the composition of different occupational groups, may be one explanation for the mixed findings. We examined cross-sectional associations of workplace sitting time with waist circumference in workers engaged in desk-based work and those engaged in other work settings using a population-based sample of Australian workers. ⋯ Our findings support interventions to decrease occupational sitting time for desk-based workers to reduce their cardio-metabolic risk. Differential associations observed between desk-based and non-desk-based workers and between genders may be attributable to the ways in which sitting time is accumulated. Future research is needed to examine the impact of behavior patterns at work (sitting breaks, occupational physical activity) on adiposity in working adults.
Preventive medicine · Dec 2020
Unemployment insurance program accessibility and suicide rates in the United States.
Unemployment is a risk factor for suicide. Unemployment insurance is the primary policy tool in the United States for alleviating the burden of unemployment on individuals. Our objective was to estimate the effect of state unemployment insurance accessibility on suicide rates, and effect modification by sociodemographic factors and unemployment rate. ⋯ We assessed effect modification by the state-level unemployment rate, educational attainment, age, gender, and race. Based on fully adjusted models, potential protective effects of higher unemployment insurance recipiency rates appear to be small and restricted to demographic groups at higher risk of suicide including men, non-Hispanic White Americans, and those 45-64 years of age. These groups also generally have higher UI recipiency rates, therefore differences in subgroup estimates may reflect variations in eligibility policies and accessibility of UI programs.
Preventive medicine · Dec 2020
Patterns of tobacco use and nicotine dependence among youth, United States, 2017-2018.
This study examined patterns of tobacco product use and their association with nicotine dependence among U. S. youth. Combined data from the 2017-2018 National Youth Tobacco Surveys were analyzed for students that reported current (past-30-day) use of e-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, or hookah (n = 6106). ⋯ Combustible product use, smokeless tobacco use, multiple product use and frequent use were associated with greater odds of nicotine dependence. Nicotine dependence among youth is especially influenced by cigarette use, smokeless tobacco use, frequent use of any tobacco product, and multiple product use. Proven tobacco control interventions in coordination with regulatory efforts can reduce youth tobacco product use.
Preventive medicine · Dec 2020
Are perceptions of government intervention for prevention different by gender and age? Results from the AUStralian perceptions of prevention survey (AUSPOPS).
Understanding public opinion and community attitudes is needed to help the implementation of chronic disease prevention policies that are acceptable to the population. The AUStralian Perceptions Of Prevention Survey ('AUSPOPS') is a national survey designed to provide evidence on the views of Australians regarding government intervention for prevention. However there is limited evidence whether age and gender have modifying effects on attitudes about prevention. ⋯ There is general support in the Australian community for government intervention for prevention. Policymakers could capitalize on this sentiment by prioritizing policies with high levels of support across all groups, and target population subgroups on issues where acceptability appears to be heterogenous.
Preventive medicine · Dec 2020
The medical costs of low leisure-time physical activity among working-age adults: Gender and minority status matter.
This study analyzes the direct medical costs of low physical activity by race/ethnicity and gender. Average health expenditures based on physical activity status for Black non-Hispanics (NH), Asian NHs, and Hispanics were compared to White NHs. Data from the National Health Interview Survey were merged with the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey for years 2000-2010 and 2001-2011, respectively, and weights were applied to ensure generalizability to the larger US population. ⋯ Among women, medical expenditures were $956 per year less among active White non-Hispanics relative to their inactive counterparts, and $815 per year among Hispanics. Essentially, the average reduction in health care expenditures is relatively consistent for five out of the eight groups. The absence of any reduction in average health care expenditures for three of the groups, however, suggests that there may be environmental factors at play for certain groups that mitigate the impact of physical activity on health expenditures.