Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Jul 2020
Association between neighborhood socioeconomic status, tobacco store density and smoking status in pregnant women in an urban area.
Smoking during pregnancy can lead to serious health consequences. Given such health risks, an understanding of factors that influence maternal smoking behaviors during pregnancy is critical. The objective of this study is to assess the relationship between tobacco store density, neighborhood socioeconomic status, and neighborhood rates of maternal smoking during pregnancy. ⋯ In the adjusted model, an increase in density of 1 tobacco store per 10,000 persons was associated with a 10% increase in women who reported smoking during pregnancy (β = 0.10, p = 0.04). In conclusion, tobacco store density and neighborhood socioeconomic factors were associated with prevalence of maternal smoking while pregnant. These findings support the need to further assess and develop interventions to reduce the impact of tobacco store density on smoking behaviors and health risks in communities.
Preventive medicine · Jul 2020
Do youth who vape exhibit risky health lifestyles? Monitoring the future, 2017.
Previous research links cigarette smoking with an array of unhealthy behaviors including poor diet, poor sleep quality, and reduced levels of physical exercise. To date, however, limited research has explored whether vaping nicotine (or marijuana) is associated with these same health risk behaviors. ⋯ The results suggest that youths who vaped nicotine (or marijuana) did not exhibit significant elevations in risky health behavior outcomes relative to abstaining youths. Even so, cigarette smoking and recent use of marijuana through traditional means are significantly associated with risky health outcomes.
Preventive medicine · Jul 2020
ReviewEconomic evaluations of public health interventions for physical activity and healthy diet: A systematic review.
Physical inactivity and unhealthy dietary habits are associated with an increased disease and economic burden. The aim of this systematic review was to identify economic evaluations of public health interventions targeting physical activity and healthy diet, and assess the quality and transferability of the findings to the Swedish context. A search of published economic evaluations was conducted through electronic databases including PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO, National Health Service Economic Evaluation Databases (NHS EED) and the Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA). ⋯ Only half of the economic evaluations were rated to have a high probability of transferring to the Swedish context. Public health interventions targeting physical activity and dietary habits have a high potential to be cost-effective. However, decision makers should consider the variation in quality and transferability of the available evidence.
Preventive medicine · Jul 2020
Cigarette excise taxes, clean indoor air laws, and use of smoking cessation treatments: A mediation analysis.
The role of smoking cessation treatments in the link between clean indoor air laws and cigarette taxes with smoking cessation is not known. This study examined whether the use of smoking cessation treatments mediates the association between clean indoor air laws and cigarette excise taxes, on the one hand, and recent smoking cessation, on the other hand. Using data on 62,165 adult participants in the 2003 and 2010-2011 Current Population Survey-Tobacco Use Supplement who reported smoking cigarettes in the past year, we employed structural equation models to quantify the degree to which smoking cessation treatments (prescription medications, nicotine replacement therapy, counseling/support groups, quitlines, and internet-based resources) mediate the association between clean indoor air laws, cigarette excise taxes and recent smoking cessation. ⋯ Smoking cessation treatments explained between 29% to 39% of the effect of clean indoor air laws and taxes on recent smoking cessation. While clean indoor air laws remained significantly associated with the recent smoking cessation over the first decade of the 2000s, excise taxes gained a more prominent role in later years of that decade. The influence of these policies was partly mediated through the use of smoking cessation treatments, underscoring the importance of policies that make these treatments more widely available.