Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Apr 2021
ReviewPatient barriers and facilitators of colonoscopy use: A rapid systematic review and thematic synthesis of the qualitative literature.
Colonoscopy is the gold standard test in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Despite this, many people across the world decline the procedure when invited for screening, surveillance or diagnostic evaluation. The aim of this review was to characterise the barriers and facilitators of colonoscopy use described in the qualitative literature. ⋯ Key practical factors included cost, and whether colonoscopy was covered by the patient's healthcare insurance. Studies mostly focussed on screening colonoscopy in the USA, where there is no universal healthcare coverage. To better understand the barriers and facilitators in other contexts, further research is needed.
Preventive medicine · Apr 2021
Diversity of social networks versus quality of social support: Which is more protective for health-related quality of life among older adults?
Both social networks and social support are important in addressing bio-psycho-social events in older adults. Their associations with health-related quality of life (HRQOL), however, are not well understood. This study aims to examine the associations of diversity of social networks and perceived quality of social support with HRQOL in older adults. ⋯ In multivariable-adjusted analyses, diversity of social networks was positively associated with HRQOL-MCS (coefficient = 0.59; 95% confidence intervals [CI], 0.08-1.09), HRQOL-PCS (coefficient = 1.00; 95% CI, 0.38-1.61), and QALYs (coefficient = 0.01; 95% CI, 0.00-0.02). Perceived quality of social support was not associated with HRQOL. The diversity of social networks, more than perceived quality of social support, may be protective for HRQOL in older adults.
Preventive medicine · Apr 2021
The multivariate physical activity signature associated with body mass index in young children.
The evidence regarding associations between intensity-specific physical activity and adiposity in young children is conflicting. Moreover, the evidence is limited by analytical approaches that cannot handle the multicollinearity among multiple variables across the entire intensity spectrum. We aimed to determine the multivariate physical activity intensity signature associated with body mass index in a large sample of preschool children aged 3-6 years. 1182 Norwegian preschool children (mean age 4.7 years, 51% boys) provided data on physical activity (ActiGraph GT3X+) and body mass index during 2015-2016. ⋯ Association patterns were comparable for boys and girls. In conclusion, we found clear associations with body mass index across the physical activity intensity spectrum in preschool children. However, the age-specific association patterns suggest negative (unfavorable) associations with vigorous physical activity intensities develop around 5-6 years of age.
Preventive medicine · Apr 2021
ReviewSystematic review on use of health incentives in U.S. to change maternal health behavior.
Use of financial incentives contingent on health outcomes has shown effective in health behavior change. Evidence-based information on the effect of incentive use for maternal health behavior change can inform whether and how to proceed with future research as well as incorporate incentive-based interventions in the existing healthcare system. This systematic literature review was conducted among prospective studies on incentive use for maternal health behavior change in a U. ⋯ The review showed that incentives such as vouchers and other financial incentives were effective in improving outcomes especially related to substance use, tobacco use, and breastfeeding. Mixed evidence was found in improving treatment adherence outcomes; however the studies with randomized trials on the outcome of treatment adherence also showed low certainty. Continued improvements need to be made in implementing an incentive-based approach in the context of comprehensive treatment and routine healthcare, exploring electronic- or mobile-based implementation of the approach, and implementing the approach for a wider variety of outcomes during both prenatal and postpartum periods.
Preventive medicine · Apr 2021
Behavioural change, weight loss and risk of dementia: A longitudinal study.
Recent meta-analysis reported higher dementia risks associated with lower body mass index (BMI) and decreasing BMI. We examined to what extent these associations were attenuated by changes in behaviours and local environment. Multilevel discrete time-to-event models examined associations between baseline and change in BMI with dementia detected through prescription medications (source: Department of Human Services), hospitalisations and death certificates among 144,456 participants in the Sax Institute's 45 and Up Study. ⋯ Adherence to physical activity and sleep duration guidelines were associated with reduced dementia risk, but neither these, nor adjustment for other behaviours and local factors, explained the BMI-dementia association. In conclusion, we replicated the BMI-dementia findings from a recent meta-analysis and provide further support to preventive strategies focussed on increasing physical activity and improving sleep duration. Other potential environmental risk factors outside of socioeconomic and urban/rural circumstances warrant investigation.