Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Aug 2022
Tests for confounding with cigarette smoking in the association of E-cigarette use with respiratory disorder: 2020 National-Sample Data.
Associations of e-cigarette use with respiratory disorder have been demonstrated but it has been unclear whether these are confounded by current or previous cigarette smoking. We address this question through studying different time frames for e-cigarette use and respiratory disorders in 2020 BRFSS data (N = 214,945). E-cigarette use and combustible cigarette smoking were classified into four categories: Participant never used either (Nonuse); used e-cigarettes/cigarettes but not in the past 30 days (Former Use), used in past 30 days on some days (Nondaily Use), or used past 30 days on all days (Daily Use). ⋯ Stratified analyses showed significant associations of e-cigarette use with respiratory disorder among nonsmokers as well as among smokers. We conclude that independent associations for former e-cigarette use (controlling for current/former smoking) and significant associations of e-cigarette use with respiratory disorder among nonsmokers indicate these associations are not confounded with cigarette smoking and suggest reverse causation is implausible. Findings for former use are discussed with reference to possible mechanisms including sensitization effects.
Preventive medicine · Aug 2022
Observational StudyCharacteristics of statewide prescription drug monitoring programs and potentially inappropriate opioid prescribing to patients with non-cancer chronic pain: A machine learning application.
Unnecessary/unsafe opioid prescribing has become a major public health concern in the U. S. Statewide prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) with varying characteristics have been implemented to improve safe prescribing practice. ⋯ The results show that among 1,886,146 NCCP opioid-related claims, 22.8% had an opioid dosage ≥50 MME/day and 8.9% ≥90 MME/day, 70.3% had days supply ≥7 days, and 10.3% were when benzodiazepine was filled ≤7 days ago. GBM had superior model performance. We identified the most salient PDMP characteristics that predict opioid-related PIPs (e.g., broader access to patient prescription history, monitoring Schedule IV controlled substances), which could be informative to the states considering the redesign of PDMPs.
Preventive medicine · Aug 2022
The association between childhood sexual abuse and historical intimate partner violence with body mass index and diabetes: Evidence from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations of childhood sexual abuse and historical intimate partner violence with body mass index and diabetes among mid-age women. Data from 5782 participants in the 1946-51 cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health were used. ⋯ The associations between experiencing childhood sexual abuse only, historical intimate partner violence only, or both forms of abuse and incident diabetes (adjusted odds ratios, AOR = 1.28, 95%CI = 1.00, 1.65, AOR = 1.27 (1.02, 1.58) and AOR = 1.74 (1.27, 2.38) respectively) were attenuated by adding body mass index and other variables in the model (AOR = 1.16, 95%CI = 0.90, AOR = 1.49, 1.17 (0.94, 1.46) and AOR = 1.41 (1.03, 1.95) respectively) compared with women who did not experience abuse. The clinical implication is that awareness of a woman's early life experience of abuse may provide insight into managing her weight and risk of diabetes.
Preventive medicine · Aug 2022
The association between gun shows and firearm injuries: An analysis of 259 gun shows across 23 US cities.
Guns shows are estimated to account for 4-9% of firearm sales in the US. Increased regulation of firearm sales at gun shows has been proposed as one approach to reducing firearm injury rates. This study evaluated the association between gun shows and local firearm injury rates. ⋯ The adjusted mean 2-week rate did not vary significantly by intent after a gun show, (p = 0.24). Within two weeks after a gun show, rates of hospitalization for all-cause firearm injury do not increase significantly within the surrounding communities. The relatively small increase in available firearms after a show and the short time horizon evaluated may account for the absence of an association between gun show firearm sales and local firearm injury rates.
Preventive medicine · Aug 2022
Review Meta AnalysisShould we abandon annual physical examination? - A meta-analysis of annual physical examination and all-cause mortality in adults based on observational studies.
Several meta-analyses based on randomized clinical trials data have failed to find an association between the annual physical examination (APE) and reduced mortality; however, no comparable meta-analysis based on observational data exists. We conducted a meta-analysis of observational studies comparing APE versus non-APE in adults for all-cause mortality. English-language searches of four databases (PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, and Google Scholar) between the years 2000 to 2019 yielded seven observational studies that investigated APE versus non-APE in healthy adults in relation to all-cause mortality. ⋯ APE was significantly associated with a 45% lower hazard of all-cause mortality, with pooled hazard ratio of 0.55 (95% CI 0.48 to 0.64, P < 0.01) for all participants. This meta-analysis of seven observational studies in the past 20 years provides evidence of an association between APE and a lower hazard of all-cause mortality, a finding that contrasts with findings based on meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials data. Nonetheless, at present the evidence available about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of APE on all-cause mortality still needs further study.