Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Nov 2023
Meta AnalysisContingency management interventions for abstinence from cigarette smoking in pregnancy and postpartum: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Contingency management is one of the most effective treatments for substance use disorders in not-pregnant people. The most recent quantitative review of its efficacy among pregnant and postpartum women who smoke cigarettes concluded with moderate certainty that those receiving contingent financial incentives were twice as likely to be abstinent compared with controls. We aimed to update and extend previous reviews. ⋯ There was high certainty evidence that women receiving incentives were more likely to be abstinent than controls at the last antepartum assessment (12 RCTs; RR = 2.43, 95% CI 2.04-2.91, n = 2941, I2 = 0.0%) and moderate certainty evidence at the longest postpartum assessment while incentives were still available (five RCTs; RR = 2.72, 1.47-5.02, n = 659, I2 = 44.5%), and at the longest postpartum follow-up after incentives were discontinued (six RCTs; RR = 1.93, 1.08-3.46, n = 1753, I2 = 51.8%). Pregnant women receiving incentives are twice as likely to achieve smoking abstinence during pregnancy suggesting this intervention should be standard care for pregnant women who smoke. The results also demonstrate that abstinence continues into the postpartum period, including after incentives are discontinued, but more trials measuring outcomes in the postpartum period are needed to strengthen this conclusion.
Preventive medicine · Nov 2023
The urgent need for contingency management among tribal communities in the United States: Considerations for implementation, policy, and sovereignty.
In two randomized controlled trials, culturally adapted contingency management (i.e., incentives provided for substance-negative urine samples) was associated with reduced alcohol and drug use among geographically diverse American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) adults. In response to interest in contingency management from other Tribal and AI/AN communities, our research team in collaboration with AI/AN behavioral health experts, translated the research into practice with new AI/AN community partners. Tenets of community-based participatory research were applied to develop, pilot, and refine contingency management training and implementation tools, and identify implementation challenges. ⋯ Adoption of contingency management is feasible and can strengthen Tribal communities' capacity to deliver evidence-based substance use disorder treatments to AI/AN people. Unfortunately, non-evidence-based limits to the use of federal funding for contingency management incentives discriminate against AI/AN communities. We recommend specific federal policy reforms, as well as other practical solutions for Tribal communities interested in contingency management.
Preventive medicine · Nov 2023
Meta AnalysisA call to action: Contingency management to improve post-release treatment engagement among people with opioid use disorder who are incarcerated.
People with opioid use disorder (OUD) are overrepresented in US correctional facilities and experience disproportionately high risk for illicit opioid use and overdose after release. A growing number of correctional facilities offer medication for OUD (MOUD), which is effective in reducing these risks. However, a recent evaluation found that <50% of those prescribed MOUD during incarceration continued MOUD within 30 days after release, demonstrating a need to improve post-release continuity of care. ⋯ Indeed, a prior meta-analysis demonstrates a dose-response relationship between the magnitude and immediacy of reward and CM effectiveness. Thus, CM involving larger and more immediately delivered rewards are likely necessary to improve MOUD adherence during the critical period following release from incarceration. Future research on the effectiveness and implementation of CM to improve MOUD retention after release from incarceration is warranted.
Preventive medicine · Nov 2023
ReviewThe fourth wave of the overdose crisis: Examining the prominent role of psychomotor stimulants with and without fentanyl.
The current overdose and broader public health crisis involving illicit drug use is often referred to as the "opioid" or "fentanyl" crisis. Clearly there is extensive data on the profound damage done by opioids over the past 20 years and specifically by fentanyl in the past 5 years. However, there is an extensive array of data that suggests there is more to the current crisis than opioids/fentanyl. ⋯ Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting CM, it is not being widely used in routine treatment outside the VA healthcare system. This paper reviews some of the (a) evidence for CM, (b) CM protocol design elements that require consideration, (c) current obstacles to the widespread implementation of CM, and (d) strategies for addressing these obstacles. Overcoming these obstacles is a priority to allow routine use of CM as a treatment for StimUD.
Preventive medicine · Nov 2023
Lessons learned from statewide contingency management rollouts addressing stimulant use in the Northwestern United States.
Increases in stimulant drug use (such as methamphetamine) and related deaths creates an imperative for community settings to adopt evidence-based practices to help people who use stimulants. Contingency management (CM) is a behavioral intervention with decades of research demonstrating efficacy for the treatment of stimulant use disorder, but real-world adoption has been slow, due to well-known implementation barriers, including difficulty funding reinforcers, and stigma. This paper describes the training and technical assistance (TTA) efforts and lessons learned for two state-wide stimulant-focused CM implementation projects in the Northwestern United States (Montana and Washington). ⋯ Seventeen of these sites, ten of eleven in Montana (90.9%) and seven of 24 in Washington (29.2%), went on to implement contingency management programs adherent to their state's established CM protocol and received ongoing TTA in the form of implementation coaching calls. These findings illustrate that site-specific barriers such as logistical fit precluded implementation in more than 50% of the trained sites; however, strategies for site-specific tailoring within the required protocol aided implementation, resulting in successful CM program launch in a diverse cross-section of service sites across the states. The lessons learned add to the body of literature describing CM implementation barriers and solutions.