Preventive medicine
Preventive medicine · Sep 2023
Adverse childhood experiences, antenatal stressful life events, and marijuana use during pregnancy: A population-based study.
Cumulative exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and antenatal stressful life events (ASLEs) are independently associated with marijuana use during pregnancy. However, research has not explored how both exposures may influence marijuana use jointly. Assessing the joint associations of ACEs and recent ASLEs on marijuana use can identify people who may benefit from early intervention. ⋯ There was evidence of interaction for high ACE and ASLE exposure on an additive scale. ACEs and ASLEs were independently associated with marijuana use during pregnancy, and there was evidence of additive interaction. Screening for ACEs and ASLEs during pregnancy, referrals to appropriate behavioral health services, and trauma-informed approaches are important to address marijuana use during pregnancy.
Preventive medicine · Sep 2023
Squamocolumnar junction visibility among cervical cancer screening population in Peru might influence upper age for screening programs.
Cervical cancer screening and treatment of screen positives is an important and effective strategy to reduce cervical cancer morbidity and mortality. In order to have an accurate cervical cancer screening and evaluation of positives, the entire Squamocolumnar Junction (SCJ) must be visible. Throughout the life course, the position of the SCJ changes and affects its visibility. ⋯ Of the 4247 participants screened, the SCJ was fully visible in 49.7% of participants, partially visible in 23.1%, and not visible in 27.2%. Visibility decreased with age, and by age 45 years old, the SCJ was not fully visible in over 50% of participants. Our results show that a high percentage of participants at ages still recommended for screening do not have totally visible SCJ, and we may need to reconsider the upper age limit for screening and find new strategies for evaluation of those with a positive screening test and non-visible SCJ.
Preventive medicine · Sep 2023
Randomized Controlled TrialTesting behavioral economics messages to increase non-responders' participation in organized colorectal cancer-screening programs: A randomized controlled trial.
This study aimed to evaluate the impact of behavioral economic-inspired messages on participation in colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programs. We conducted a randomized-controlled trial involving 11,505 non-responders to the CRC screening programs in Florence, Rome, and Turin in 2020. Participants aged 54-70 years were randomly assigned to four conditions. ⋯ The inclusion of MN and/or F messages in the invitation letter increased participation among previous non-responders <65 years. Behavioral economics is a promising area of interest for enhancing CRC screening participation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN registration number: ISRCTN11841256.
Preventive medicine · Sep 2023
Study on the effect of self-made fracture positioning compression guide device for posterior malleolus fracture surgery: Medical prevention.
To evaluate the effectiveness of a self-designed pressure-guided fracture positioning device, a prospective study was conducted in patients with posterior ankle fractures undergoing surgery using the device. Twenty-seven cases of ankle joint fracture with posterior malleolus fracture were treated by surgery. In the process of fixing posterior malleolus fracture, a self-designed fracture positioning compression guide device was used to fix posterior malleolus bone by anterior and posterior approaches. ⋯ The good rate of ankle joint function was 85.16%. Compared to traditional surgical techniques, minimally invasive fixation using the self-designed positioning compression guide device has several advantages, including smaller trauma, faster postoperative recovery, and improved patient satisfaction. The device also provides the surgeon with greater control and precision during the surgical procedure, which can contribute to better surgical outcomes.
Preventive medicine · Sep 2023
Musculoskeletal pain intensity and risk of long-term sickness absence in the general working population: A prospective cohort study with register follow-up.
Determining predictors of sickness absence could allow for better screening, guidance, and development of preventive efforts aimed at those in increased risk. This study aimed to determine the prospective association between musculoskeletal pain intensity and risk of incident register-based long-term sickness absence in the general working population, as well as to determine the population attributable fraction. Drawing on data from a nation-wide questionnaire survey, this prospective cohort study followed a representative sample of the Danish general working population without recent long-term sickness absence (≥6 consecutive weeks) (n = 69,273) for long-term sickness absence up to two years (mean follow-up: 93 weeks) in a national register. ⋯ We observed a clear dose-response association between musculoskeletal pain intensity of the neck/shoulder or low-back and the risk of incident long-term sickness absence, with a lower threshold of increased risk of 4 and 3 (scale 0-10) for neck/shoulder (HR (95% CI): 1.25 (1.09-1.42)) and low-back pain (HR (95% CI): 1.13 (1.00-1.29)), respectively. Prevention of pain intensities at or above 4 out of 10 could potentially prevent 17% (population attributable fraction, PAF (95% CI): 16.8 (13.6-20.1)) of the total long-term sickness absence in the general working population. Large-scale interventions to prevent and manage musculoskeletal pain need to be documented and implemented.