Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Nov 2001
Review[Automatic analysis of electroencephalogram: what is its value in the year 2000 for monitoring anesthesia depth?].
Spontaneous EEG has been proposed for monitoring depth of anaesthesia and adjusting anesthetic drugs doses. This review describes the main features of spontaneous EEG, the principles of EEG signal analysis used in anaesthesia, and the EEG effects of the different anesthetic drugs in adults and children. ⋯ The best signal analysis technique available today for routine use seems to be bispectral analysis, which returns, in the available monitors, a single number called bispectral index or BIS. Based upon the recent literature, clinical uses, performances and limits of use of BIS are described and discussed.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Nov 2001
Case Reports[Obstetric analgesia in patients with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome].
We report three cases of delivery in two parturients with a Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. These patients have a rare hereditary disorder that results in three main features: haemangiomas, varicose veins, bone and soft tissue hypertrophy. In the absence of angiographic magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord and of perispinal tissues, arteriovenous malformations of the central nervous system could not been ruled out. Intravenous sufentanil and pudendal block were used for labour analgesia and vaginal delivery respectively; general anaesthesia was used for uterine revision and for caesarean section.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Nov 2001
Multicenter Study[Acute severe pain in emergencies. The key for efficient analgesia].
To measure severe acute pain (SAP) frequency, to describe SAP management and to bring to view the conditions of analgesia success in emergency medicine. ⋯ Despite the high frequency of SAP in ED and MICU, pain control is not satisfying. Opioid use and early treatment are determinant in analgesia efficiency for SAP and should be therefore encouraged to improve pain relief in emergency medicine.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Nov 2001
[Dural puncture in obstetric analgesia. Epidemiologic features and therapeutic management].
To assess the time of occurrence, circumstances and presenting symptoms of unintentional dural puncture (UDP), the location and intensity of postdural puncture headaches (PDPH), and the efficacy of their treatment by epidural blood-patch (EBP). ⋯ In parturients, UDP usually results in PDPH. A rapid and effective treatment is required, mainly EBP. Another EBP is eventually necessary in some patients.