Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation
To determine the epidemiology and risk factors for gastric aspiration in a French university hospital. ⋯ The incidence of gastric aspiration was slightly higher in this series than in other published series. Rapid induction-intubation sequence with Sellick manoeuvre is not always used in patients with a full stomach. Restraining this technique only to these latter patients does not guarantee practitioners to avoid the risk of gastric aspiration. There is a large need to define which patients are at higher risk of gastric aspiration by national recommendations of clinical practice.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Mar 2009
Case Reports[Survey of anaesthesia-related mortality in France: the role of aspiration of gastric contents].
Aspiration of gastric contents is a major complication in relation with the practice of anaesthesia. The present article is aimed at describing detailed data related to aspiration which were obtained during the French national survey on anaesthesia-related mortality conducted by both Sfar and CépiDC-Inserm. Information regarding methods of the survey and the main results has been previously published. ⋯ Aspiration almost always occurred during induction of anaesthesia. Analysis of practice patterns disclosed significant deviations from recommendations. French anaesthetists should voluntarily move through a personal and active process toward an improvement of their practice to reduce the incidence of aspiration.