Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jul 2013
ReviewThe management of femur shaft fracture associated with severe traumatic brain injury.
The aim of this article is to describe the management of femoral shaft fractures in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). This is a major problem and two questions remain currently of interest: When and how to perform orthopedic surgery in severe TBI patients? The main point of perioperative management remains the prevention of secondary brain insults and the monitoring of intracranial pressure is essential especially in patients with intracranial lesions on the CT-scan. The "double hit" concept, suggesting that surgery by itself might increase the preexisting systemic inflammatory response, gives argument for very early or delayed surgery. Early definitive femoral osteosynthesis, if requires lengthy surgical procedure, does not seem appropriate in this context and "damage-control orthopedics" with external fixation seems to be a good alternative.
Survival after severe trauma may depend on a structured chain of care from the management at the scene of trauma to hospital care and rehabilitation. In the USA, the trauma system is organized according to a pre-hospital triage by paramedics to facilitate the admission of patients to tertiary trauma centres. In France, trauma patients are transported to the most suitable facility, according to the on-scene triage by an emergency physician. ⋯ This organization was based upon the interplay between the resources of each hospital participating to the network and the categorization of trauma severity at the scene. A regional registry allows the assessment of trauma system, which has included 3,690 severe trauma patients within the past 3 years. Bystanders, medical call dispatch centres, and interdisciplinary trauma team should form a structured and continuous chain of care to allocate each severe trauma patient to the best place of treatment.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jul 2013
ReviewOperative care and surveillance in severe trauma patients. Interference between resuscitation treatments and anaesthesiology, and consequence on immunity.
Major trauma remains a worldwide cause of morbi-mortality. Early mortality is the consequence of hemorrhagic shock and traumatic brain injury. During early resuscitation, anaesthesia is often mandatory to perform surgery. ⋯ Nosocomial pneumonia are the consequence of an overwhelming systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) as well as a trauma-related immunosuppression. The administration of hemisuccinate of hydrocortisone modulates the SIRS and reduces the risk of nosocomial pneumonia as well as the length of mechanical ventilation. Finally in the operating theatre, fighting against hypothermia and un-anatomical positions, which can aggravate rhabdomyolysis, are both mandatory.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jul 2013
ReviewThe initial management of trauma patients is an especially relevant setting to evaluate professional practice patterns.
The initial management of trauma patients in a dedicated location is a crucial step in the treatment of these patients. The characteristics of this phase are such that they meet all the criteria for a professional practice patterns evaluation (PPPE or PPE): formalized protocols, clear-cut timeframes, specific roles of different stakeholders, and multidisciplinary medical and paramedical team. In addition, the expected result of the PPE approach, improved care, will have a direct impact on patient outcomes. ⋯ Following the analysis produced by a representative group of actors, a multidisciplinary discussion of the results should be followed by proposals for simple changes approved by everyone. After a few months of implementation, the impact of the proposed improvement measures will be assessed by a new survey. This approach, in addition to improving the quality of care, allows better team stress management and greater work enjoyment.
Severity assessment in trauma patients is mandatory. It started during initial phone call that alerts emergency services when a trauma occurred. On-call physician assesses severity based on witness-provided information, to adapt emergency response (paramedics, emergency physicians). ⋯ Whatever the way triage is performed, triage tools are based on mortality as main judgement criterion. Other criteria should be considered, such as therapeutics requirements. The benefit of biomarkers of ultrasonography at prehospital setting remains to be assessed.