Case Reports
Reverse-supercharged, distally based latissimus dorsi flap for lumbar defect: A case report.
Well-vascularized tissue is required for successful reconstruction of a soft tissue defect in the lumbar region. There are several options for reconstruction; however, controversy exists regarding the optimal technique. Here, we present a case of a lumbar defect following tumor resection in a 75-year-old patient that was repaired using a reverse-supercharged, distally based latissimus dorsi flap. ⋯ The patient was discharged 17 days after the surgery, and no recurrence of the tumor was observed at the 2-year follow-up. We report a case of successful salvage of a distally based latissimus dorsi flap by the reverse-supercharge technique based on a serratus anterior branch. This flap might be a suitable alternative for use in the lumbar region in the case of limited availability of reconstructive choices.
Elbow flexion deficit is a frequent problem in traumatic brachial plexus injuries and reestablishment of this function is the primary treatment goal. When management is delayed, or the initial acute approach fails, free functional transfer of the gracilis muscle for elbow flexion is the treatment of choice. In this report, the authors present the results of a comparison study on different donor nerves (spinal accessory and ulnar) in elbow flexion reconstruction with gracilis flap for traumatic adult brachial plexus injuries. ⋯ No statistical difference for final muscle strength was found between donor nerve groups.