IEEE transactions on medical imaging
IEEE Trans Med Imaging · Oct 2005
Improving geometric accuracy in the presence of susceptibility difference artifacts produced by metallic implants in magnetic resonance imaging.
Geometric and intensity distortions due to the presence of metallic implants in magnetic resonance imaging impede the full exploitation of this advanced imaging modality. The aim of this study is to provide a method for (a) quantifying and (b) reducing the implant distortions in patient images. Initially, a set of reference images (without distortion) was obtained by imaging a custom-designed three-dimensional grid phantom. ⋯ The results demonstrate successful correction of grid phantom images with a metallic implant. Furthermore, the calculated correction was applied to porcine thigh images bearing the same metallic implant, simulating a patient environment. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of the proposed correction method are included.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging · Oct 2005
DTI segmentation using an information theoretic tensor dissimilarity measure.
In recent years, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has become a popular in vivo diagnostic imaging technique in Radiological sciences. In order for this imaging technique to be more effective, proper image analysis techniques suited for analyzing these high dimensional data need to be developed. In this paper, we present a novel definition of tensor "distance" grounded in concepts from information theory and incorporate it in the segmentation of DTI. ⋯ Unlike the traditional Frobenius norm-based tensor distance, our "distance" is affine invariant, a desirable property in segmentation and many other applications. We then incorporate this new tensor "distance" in a region based active contour model for DTI segmentation. Synthetic and real data experiments are shown to depict the performance of the proposed model.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging · Oct 2005
Chirp imaging vibro-acoustography for removing the ultrasound standing wave artifact.
Vibro-acoustography (VA) is an imaging technique that uses the dynamic (oscillatory) radiation force of two continuous-wave (CW) ultrasound to image objects at low frequency (within the kHz range). In this technique, the dynamic radiation force is created by means of a confocused transducer emitting two ultrasound beams at slightly-shifted frequencies f1 and f2 = f1 + deltaf. It has been demonstrated previously that high-resolution images of various types of inclusions and tissues can be obtained using this technique. ⋯ The chirp image is produced by averaging the amplitude of the acoustic emission produced during the sweep. Vibro-acoustography chirp imaging experiments are performed on a stainless-steel sphere attached to a latex sheet in a tank of degassed water. The resulting chirp images demonstrate remarkable reduction of the standing wave artifact compared to the "fixed frequency" VA images.