This report describes an unusual case of partial transsection of the neonatal trachea after intubation. Mucosal injury led to the formation of a balloon-shaped, air-filled cyst that did not allow ventilation of the airways either via a tracheal tube or with a face mask. Several minutes after death, the cyst had collapsed and bag and mask ventilation produced adequate chest movements.
Review Case Reports
Prehospital thrombolytic treatment of massive pulmonary embolism with reteplase during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
A 52-year-old previously healthy man experienced acute severe dyspnoea after suffering from gastroenteritis for 3 days. After arrival of the ambulance, cardiac arrest with an initial rhythm of electro mechanical dissociation occurred. Circulation was restored after 10 min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation but soon cardiac arrest reoccurred. ⋯ The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism was confirmed by a ventilation-perfusion scan and by spiral computerised tomography. The patient was discharged from intensive care after 2 days with a cerebral performance category I. Based on previous calculations, the annual number of patients who present with massive pulmonary embolism leading to cardiac arrest (and thus who would theoretically be candidates for thrombolytic treatment) was estimated to be 0.7/100000 inhabitants in this emergency medical services system.
Review Case Reports
Successful resuscitation using aminophylline in refractory cardiac arrest with asystole.
Adenosine antagonists may have therapeutic potential in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Aminophylline, a widely available adenosine antagonist, is not included in the Guidelines for Advanced Life Support by the European Resuscitation Council or the American Heart Association. This report addresses a case of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest caused by inferior wall myocardial infarction in which effective circulation was restored subsequent to aminophylline administration, after prolonged conventional resuscitation had resulted in asystole.