Patient education and counseling
To describe whether and how Catholic hospitals and nursing homes in Belgium (Flanders) have developed written ethics policies on euthanasia and communicated these policies to their employees, patients, and patient's relatives. ⋯ Legislation and centrally developed guidelines might influence healthcare institutions to develop ethics policies.
Older adults are less likely than other age groups to participate in clinical decision-making. To enhance participation, we sought to understand how older adults consider and discuss their life and health goals during the clinical encounter. ⋯ Setting goals initially and reviewing them periodically may be a comprehensive, time-efficient way of integrating patients' goals into their care plans.
To examine which counseling behavior among GPs can be achieved after counseling training when organizational support is provided. ⋯ Involving staff in the screening procedure may support counseling activity of the GP.
Comparative Study
Patient's satisfaction and distress compared with expectations of the medical staff.
Patient satisfaction is increasingly used to measure and evaluate patient treatment in hospital. The aim of this study is to assess satisfaction regarding communication, support and the degree of anxiety and depression among the patients, and to compare reports from the patients with the expectations of the staff. ⋯ Knowledge of patients' degree of satisfaction is important for satisfactory communication with the staff, compliance with treatment and in order to reduce staff's concern for their care.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
The effects of smoking cessation counseling by midwives on Dutch pregnant women and their partners.