Patient education and counseling
To develop a workshop for training faculty to facilitate small group role play sessions for a communication skills training program and assess the impact of that workshop on the trainees' self-efficacy about facilitation skills. ⋯ In order to evaluate the effectiveness of communication skills training programs, it is important to have trained facilitators who adhere to a set of facilitation guidelines. Workshops on facilitation skills provide the background and practice time necessary as a first step in the training process.
Discuss family caregivers of stroke survivors' changing needs for education and support across the care continuum. ⋯ Recognition of family caregivers changing support needs across the care continuum will assist health care professionals to provide more timely and appropriate support.
This study was conducted to assess patients' beliefs and attitudes towards physicians taking their sexual history during routine medical visits in Korea, where Confucianism is the core societal value. ⋯ Sexual history taking should be more facilitated in clinical practice and requires a deliberate approach and skill.
Our study explored the attitudes of patients toward complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use, their family physicians' role regarding CAM, and models for CAM referral and treatment. We compared patients' perspectives regarding integration of CAM into primary care with attitudes of primary care physicians (PCPs) and CAM practitioners. ⋯ PCPs need to be aware of their present and future role in informed referral to CAM and, to a lesser degree, in providing CAM in integrative primary care clinics. With the increasing use of CAM, patients may expect their family physician to be more knowledgeable, skillful, and have a balanced approach regarding CAM use. In addition, practitioners should learn how to communicate effectively and better collaborate with CAM practitioners to the benefit of their patients.