Patient education and counseling
To propose a comprehensive set of competencies and educational objectives for communication and social competencies in undergraduate medical education and to support the nationwide implementation of these issues in all medical schools. ⋯ The Basel consensus statement can be used to orientate curriculum reform and development in medical education.
This study aims to examine cross-cultural communication in health-care settings, which has implications for equal access to health services. We studied how often health-care workers experience a need for language assistance, what they do in such situations, what expectations they have of the interpreters and their evaluation of competency needs. ⋯ A key area for further improvement is the process of raising awareness among health-care providers and institutions regarding the legal responsibility they have to ensure the sufficient level of communication with their patients/clients.
This study sought to hear what patients approaching death had to say about doctor-patient interactions and care in order that doctors can learn how to demonstrate care more effectively so that each patient feels cared for as an individual. ⋯ To demonstrate genuine care doctors must learn to recognise and question the social expectations and inherent assumptions of medical contexts and roles of patient and doctor and allow unique characteristics of patient and context to guide their interactions.
To assess the association of limited English proficiency (LEP) and physician language concordance with patient reports of clinical interactions. ⋯ Expanding access to language concordant physicians may improve clinical interactions among patients with LEP. Quality and performance assessments should consider physician-patient language concordance.
To explore how a video of a patient with advanced dementia impacts the rationale for patients' decisions about future care. ⋯ Video may serve an important role in advanced care planning by enriching the understanding of the condition and allowing one to imagine a future health state.