European journal of anaesthesiology
The single-use Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Supreme is a new supraglottic airway device. It has been reported to be reliable and easy-to-use in clinical practice; however, the anaesthetic techniques for its insertion are not standardised. ⋯ Sevoflurane alone can provide acceptable conditions for insertion of the LMA Supreme in adults, at an estimated minimum alveolar anaesthetic concentration of 3% with minimal adverse effects.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Comparison of plastic and metallic single-use and metallic reusable laryngoscope blades: a randomised controlled trial.
Plastic single-use laryngoscope blades have been found to increase the difficulty of intubation. Metallic single-use blades may represent an alternative. ⋯ The rates of failed intubation at first laryngoscopy were similar in the metallic reusable and metallic reusable groups, but greater in the plastic single-use group.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Comparison of the Airtraq and the Macintosh laryngoscope for double-lumen tube intubation: a randomised clinical trial.
The Airtraq is a disposable optical laryngoscope that is available in a double-lumen tube version. Inserting a double-lumen tube is generally more difficult compared to conventional endotracheal intubation, mainly due to its configuration. ⋯ There was no significant difference between the Airtraq and the Macintosh laryngoscopes regarding the time needed to insert a double-lumen tube during elective thoracic surgery. Only subtle enhancement of visualisation and a higher incidence of hoarseness were observed in the Airtraq group. The Airtraq device did not result in superior patient safety in this setting.