Computer methods and programs in biomedicine
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Apr 2018
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for breast cancer screening.
Radiologists often have a hard time classifying mammography mass lesions which leads to unnecessary breast biopsies to remove suspicions and this ends up adding exorbitant expenses to an already burdened patient and health care system. ⋯ The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed framework is performant and can indeed be used to predict if the mass lesions are benign or malignant.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Mar 2018
Utility of bispectrum in the screening of pediatric sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome using oximetry recordings.
The aim of this study was to assess the utility of bispectrum-based oximetry approaches as a complementary tool to traditional techniques in the screening of pediatric sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS). ⋯ Our results suggest that bispectrum provides additional information to anthropometric variables, ODI3 and PSD regarding characterization of changes in the SpO2 signal caused by respiratory events. Thus, oximetry bispectrum can be a useful tool to provide complementary information for screening of moderate-to-severe pediatric SAHS.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Mar 2018
Assessment of hand superficial oxygenation during ischemia/reperfusion in healthy subjects versus systemic sclerosis patients by 2D near infrared spectroscopic imaging.
Patients affected by systemic sclerosis (SSc) develop functional and structural microcirculatory dysfunction, which progressively evolves towards systemic tissue fibrosis (sclerosis). Disease initially affects distal extremities, which become preferential sites of diagnostic scrutiny. This pilot investigation tested the hypothesis that peripheral microcirculatory dysfunction in SSc could be non-invasively assessed by 2D Near Infrared Spectroscopic (NIRS) imaging of the hand associated with Vascular Occlusion Testing (VOT). NIRS allows measurement of hemoglobin oxygen saturation (StO2) in the blood perfusing the volume tissue under scrutiny. ⋯ This is, to our knowledge, the first application of 2D NIRS imaging of the whole hand to the investigation of microvascular dysfunction in systemic sclerosis. The image processing presented here considered the StO2 in the entire hand allowing a comprehensive view of the spatial heterogeneity of microvascular dysfunction.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Mar 2018
Histogram analysis of T2*-based pharmacokinetic imaging in cerebral glioma grading.
To investigate the feasibility of histogram analysis of the T2*-based permeability parameter volume transfer constant (Ktrans) for glioma grading and to explore the diagnostic performance of the histogram analysis of Ktrans and blood plasma volume (vp). ⋯ Histogram analysis of T2*-based pharmacokinetic imaging is useful for cerebral glioma grading. The histogram parameters of the entire tumor Ktrans measurement can provide increased accuracy with additional information regarding microvascular permeability changes for identifying high-grade brain tumors.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed · Feb 2018
Surface electromyography based muscle fatigue detection using high-resolution time-frequency methods and machine learning algorithms.
Surface electromyography (sEMG) based muscle fatigue research is widely preferred in sports science and occupational/rehabilitation studies due to its noninvasiveness. However, these signals are complex, multicomponent and highly nonstationary with large inter-subject variations, particularly during dynamic contractions. Hence, time-frequency based machine learning methodologies can improve the design of automated system for these signals. ⋯ The proposed methods are found to be capable of handling the nonstationary and multicomponent variations of sEMG signals recorded in dynamic fatiguing contractions. Particularly, the combination of EMBD- polynomial kernel based SVM could be used to detect the dynamic muscle fatigue conditions.