Annals of Saudi medicine
Annals of Saudi medicine · Nov 2023
Randomized Controlled TrialRebound pain after interscalene brachial plexus block for shoulder surgery: a randomized clinical trial of the effect of different multimodal analgesia regimens.
Rebound pain is characterized by sudden, significant acute postoperative pain occurring after the resolution of inter-scalene block (ISB); it affects the quality of recovery postoperatively. Dexamethasone increases ISB resolution time and decreases opioid consumption and the incidence of rebound pain. ⋯ Single-center study.
Annals of Saudi medicine · Nov 2023
Observational StudyMortality outcomes between pregnant women booked for antenatal care and unbooked pregnant women.
Perinatal fetal mortality and maternal mortality remains relatively high in Saudi Arabia. Antenatal care aims to improve outcomes; however, evidence to demonstrate its impact on outcomes in Saudi Arabia is lacking. ⋯ Retrospective chart-review with incomplete data retrieval that affected the completeness of data retrieved. The results of the multivariate analysis cannot be used to infer causality because the study is observational.
Annals of Saudi medicine · Nov 2023
ReviewSurgical management of neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism.
Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) is a rare disease that can be lethal. Most patients require parathyroidectomy. ⋯ The retrospective nature of the study may imply inaccuracybut since the data are gathered from electronic medical records, we believe it is highly accurate. The small sample size limits generalizability.
Annals of Saudi medicine · Nov 2023
Multicenter Study Observational StudyBrucellosis in Omani children: a multicenter experience over 15 years.
Brucellosis, a common zoonotic disease worldwide, can lead to serious complications in humans. In Oman, the disease occurs most often in the south, but is increasing in the north. ⋯ Retrospective study with small sample size.
Annals of Saudi medicine · Nov 2023
Transanal minimally invasive surgery for benign and malignant rectal lesions: midterm outcomes from a tertiary center.
Although transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) for rectal neoplasia has gained wide acceptance, the mid-term and long-term outcomes are not widely reported in the literature. ⋯ Retrospective nature and small number of the patients.