Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft ... [et al]
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
[Radiotherapeutic quality assurance in the Hodgkin's disease study HD4 supported by the BMFT (Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie)].
In the German Hodgkin Study Group a radiotherapy assurance program is being carried out at the radiotherapeutic reference centre in Göttingen since April 1988: 74 patients were entered from 27 radiotherapeutic institutions. 18 of them participated in a quality assurance program and submitted the data of 29 patients: In 21 of the 29 patients the protocol was followed correctly. Physical aspects of quality control showed two major deviations from the protocol: one center used photon energies of more than 15 MVX without mould; another had a anterior-posterior loading of 3:1. The radiation oncology assessment detected six inadequate treatments: The safety margin was inappropriate in three of 26 mantle fields. Another center used a multiple field technique, and in two patients the paraaortic region was not irradiated.