Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft ... [et al]
The Health Care Structure Bill (Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz) and the Federal Health Care Tariff Regulation (Bundespflegesatzverordnung) pose new challenges for the chief physician in charge, which he has to face on account of hospital management control with department-specific internal budgeting of services, expenditure and remittance. In view of the impending establishment of care-related lump sums (Fallpauschalen) and special allowances for radiation therapy (Sonderentgelte) as well as the introduction of an appropriate internal budget plan, we resolved to draw up the service-cost ratio for 11 tumor entities, implementing calculation based on process evaluation, and to match this calculation to the actual proceeds from outpatient treatment covered either by general health insurance or private care insurance. ⋯ As to the reviewed tumor entities, modern standard radiotherapy cannot be administrated cost-effectively. A considerable degree of under-funding is especially evident with the inclusion of cost of investment and of the facilities. The cost-proceeds ratio is most unsatisfactory as regards GOA calculation, which is obsolete as far as service description and service payment is concerned. As it in no way measures up to the required standard of modern radiotherapy, reform is therefore urgently needed.