Journal of general internal medicine
Barriers in Healthcare for Latinx Patients with Limited English Proficiency-a Narrative Review.
Latinx (includes Hispanics and is the non-gendered term for Latino/Latina which is a person of Latin American origin or descent) constitutes the largest racial and ethnic minority group in the United States (US). Many members of this group report limited English proficiency, experience discrimination, feel distrust in the healthcare setting, and face poorer health outcomes than non-Latinx Whites. As healthcare systems assess internal structures of care, understanding the experiences of Latinx patients may inform strategies to improve care. ⋯ There is no consensus about the most effective mode of delivering professional interpretation (in person, telephonic, video conferencing), although rapid simultaneous telephone translation is a promising modality. Increasing awareness of the barriers to effective communication, improving skills in communicating through translators, and increasing the amount of time spent with patients may improve communication and trust more than structural changes like mode of translation or bedside rounding. Cultural fluency training, standardized language training for providers, and incentive pay for fluency are also deserving of further consideration.
Vaccination is a primary method of reducing the burden of influenza, yet uptake is neither optimal nor equitable. Single-tier, primary care-oriented health systems may have an advantage in the efficiency and equity of vaccination. ⋯ VA coverage is associated with higher and more equitable influenza vaccination rates. A single-tier health system that emphasizes primary care may improve the uptake and equity of vaccination for influenza, and possibly other pathogens, like SARS-CoV2.