Renal failure
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
The comparative safety of various intravenous iron preparations in chronic kidney disease patients.
The relative safety of parenteral iron preparations is a controversial issue in the management of anemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD), as direct head-to-head comparative trials are lacking. In this study, patients of CKD were randomized to receive intravenous low molecular weight iron dextran (ID), sodium ferrigluconate complex (SFGC), and iron sucrose (IS) at doses and infusion rates recommended by the product manufacturer. One time test dose was used only for ID and SFGC. ⋯ No significant difference was seen between the three groups in terms of non-serious ADEs. Drug discontinuation occurred significantly more often with ID. One patient who developed anaphylactoid reaction with SFGC and ID tolerated iron sucrose well.
Review of literature revealed no studies about the predominant causes and risk factors of acute renal failure in Jordan. This study identifies the most common causes of acute renal failure and the possible risk factors among hospitalized Jordanian population. A total of 111 patients were admitted to both King Abdullah University Hospital and Princess Basmah Teaching Hospital from December 2005 to April 2006 with a diagnosis of acute renal failure or developed acute renal failure in hospital during their stay. ⋯ Causes of acute renal failure included dehydration, diuretics, sepsis, contrast media, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, stones, and others. In conclusion, one-third of the causes of acute renal failure in this sample of hospitalized Jordanian patients were due to drugs, which makes this problem preventable. Mortality was affected by the age of patients and the duration of hospitalization.
The use of hemodialysis temporary dual-lumen catheters is often complicated by infections, which may be a significant cause of death among patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of bacteremia and bacterial colonization related to non-tunneled, non-cuffed, dual-lumen temporary catheters in patients with ESRD submitted to hemodialysis. ⋯ The high incidence of catheter colonization, the correlation between blood and catheter tip cultures, and the occurrence of frequent cases of asymptomatic bacteremia justify the proposal of routine peripheral blood collections to monitor patients undergoing hemodialysis with temporary dual-lumen catheters.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Effects of normal saline vs. lactated ringer's during renal transplantation.
We hypothesized that normal saline (NS) may have more deleterious effects compared with lactated ringer (LR) in kidney transplant recipients because of the higher risk of acidosis and higher levels of serum potassium. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the safety of LR if used during a renal transplant. ⋯ Compared with NS, LR infusion may lead to a lower serum potassium level and a lower risk of acidosis, while there is major concern of the hypercoagulable state in these patients.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Predictive factors and therapeutic approach of renovascular disease: four years' follow-up.
There is no consensus about the renal function outcome after revascularization with stenting in atherosclerotic renovascular disease. In the present study, the outcome in BP control and renal function in patients with renovascular disease treated with percutaneous angioplasty and stent placement is compared with the outcome in patients with renovascular disease treated with medical treatment only. Additionally, the impact of oxidative stress and eosinophil count in peripheral blood as predictors of renal function deterioration in renovascular disease irrespective of treatment is investigated. ⋯ Revascularization was not superior to medical treatment in renal survival but had a greater positive impact on blood pressure control. Eosinophil count and oxidative stress were the stronger predictive factors for serum creatinine increase.