Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many healthcare systems are experiencing an increased demand for palliative care (PC). To meet this challenge, the PC team at Cleveland Clinic designed an enterprise-wide response plan organized around 4 domains: staff (educational resources and tools), stuff (medications and supplies), space (recommendations for optimizing physical space and facilities), and systems to facilitate high-quality PC delivery to patients. To mitigate isolation during end-of-life care, the Clinic offers "compassionate exceptions" to strict visitation policies, provides personal protective equipment to visitors of these patients, and facilitates virtual visitation via electronic devices.
The operating room environment is very dynamic with many unique challenges for anesthesia teams caring for patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. Specific recommendations by national organizations and institution specific step-by-step guidelines and education materials are required to maintain safety for both patients and caregivers perioperatively, with transport, and medication management.
Acute kidney injury has been reported in as many as 29% of COVID-19 patients. Reported risk factors include elevated baseline serum creatinine, elevated blood urea nitrogen, acute kidney injury, proteinuria, and hematuria. Suspected causes include sepsis and acute tubular necrosis resulting from renal hypoperfusion, cytokine release syndrome, direct viral invasion, renal medullary hypoxia secondary to alveolar damage, rhabdomyolysis, and cardiorenal syndrome due to viral myocarditis.
Approximately 12% to 15% of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection require invasive ventilation via endotracheal intubation. The key to minimizing risk of disease transmission during this aerosol-generating procedure is careful preparation, which includes having necessary equipment and medications on hand as well as an experienced intubation team who can troubleshoot any unforeseen complications. Personal protective equipment should be donned and doffed in the presence of an assistant (ie, "buddy" system).
COVID-19 infection is associated with several cardiac complications with high rates of adverse outcomes. Cardiac imaging has different utility in different clinical scenarios, and the importance of minimizing healthcare worker exposure should be considered. Cardiac imaging should only be ordered if its benefits outweigh its risks, with anticipated changes in acute treatment and outcomes, and no suitable alternative of sufficient adequacy is available. Indications for advanced cardiac imaging for COVID-19 patients in the acute phase are limited, although follow-up imaging in the convalescent stage may provide prognostic importance in recovered COVID-19 patients with positive troponin or decompensated heart failure.