Weight loss and muscle wasting adversely affect morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Maintenance systemic glucocorticosteroids, prescribed in a substantial number of patients, further contribute to muscle weakness. We investigated the efficacy of oral nutritional supplementation therapy in depleted patients with COPD. ⋯ Nutritional supplementation therapy implemented in a pulmonary rehabilitation program was effective in depleted patients with COPD. However, oral glucocorticosteroid treatment attenuated the anabolic response to nutritional supplementation.
Although the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease remains unclear, dietary fat is thought to exacerbate intestinal inflammation. Chitosan is a water-insoluble dietary fiber, and a chitosan and ascorbic acid mixture has been shown in rats to increase fecal fat excretion without affecting protein digestibility. However, it remains unclear whether a chitosan and ascorbic acid mixture is safe and effective for patients with Crohn's disease. We designed a pilot trial to investigate the tolerability and amount of fat excretion after the oral administration of a chitosan and ascorbic mixture for inactive Crohn's disease. ⋯ These results indicated that oral administration of a chitosan and ascorbic acid mixture in patients with Crohn's disease is tolerable and increases fecal fat excretion without affecting disease activity.
Allium species such as onions and garlic are used as foodstuff, condiment, flavoring, and folk medicine. Onions may decrease hyperlipidemia and improve atherosclerosis. However, the ingredients in onion that are responsible for this phenomenon are not known. ⋯ Hepatic lipid levels were comparable among the groups, although TAG and phospholipid contents were slightly higher in both cycloalliin groups. Dietary cycloalliin had no significant effect on hepatic enzyme activities responsible for TAG synthesis (phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, malic enzyme, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH)). In conclusion, dietary cycloalliin has serum TG-lowering effect without affecting hepatic TAG synthesis and content in rats, suggesting an alteration of lipoprotein assembly and secretion processes in the liver.