The Clinical neuropsychologist
The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a cognitive screening instrument growing in popularity, but few studies have conducted psychometric item analyses or attempted to develop abbreviated forms. We sought to derive and validate a short-form MoCA (SF-MoCA) and compare its classification accuracy to the standard MoCA and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer disease (AD), and normal aging. ⋯ Findings suggest the SF-MoCA could be an effective brief tool in detecting cognitive impairment.
In the last five years, a consensus has developed that Alzheimer's disease (AD) may begin years before overt cognitive impairment. Accordingly, the focus has shifted to identifying preclinical disease in order to match treatments to those most likely to benefit. Subtle cognitive changes, including reduced benefit from practice, may be one such preclinical sign. In this study, we explore cognitive aging trajectories within a large cohort of clinically intact late middle-aged adults. ⋯ Reduced practice effects have previously been observed in clinical groups. These results in middle-aged adults suggest that they may also indicate preclinical changes on the path to AD.
Comparative Study
The Role of Baseline Cognitive Function in the Neurocognitive Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Depressed Elderly Patients.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an effective biological treatment option for severely depressed elderly patients; however, it can cause cognitive side effects, including anterograde and retrograde amnesia. Elderly patients with "cognitive impairment no dementia" (CIND) are reported as being more vulnerable to the cognitive side effects of ECT compared with patients with "no cognitive impairment" (NCI). The few studies that have reached this conclusion can be criticized for using insensitive outcome measures. ⋯ CIND patients were not more vulnerable to amnesia than were NCI patients. Long-term cognitive side effects of ECT were not detected.
This study examined the clinical utility of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) in individuals with complicated mild, moderate or severe TBI. One hundred individuals with TBI (n = 35 complicated mild or moderate TBI; n = 65 severe TBI) and 100 control participants matched on key demographic variables from the WAIS-IV normative dataset completed the WAIS-IV. Univariate analyses indicated that participants with severe TBI had poorer performance than matched controls on all index scores and subtests (except Matrix Reasoning). ⋯ Effect sizes for index and subtest scores were generally small-to-moderate for the group with complicated mild/moderate and moderate-to-large for the group with severe TBI. PSI also showed good sensitivity and specificity for classifying individuals with severe TBI versus controls. Findings provide support for the clinical utility of the WAIS-IV in individuals with complicated mild, moderate, and severe TBI.
The current survey updated professional practice and income information pertaining to clinical neuropsychology. ⋯ Professional practice survey information continues to provide valuable perspectives regarding consistency and change in the activities, beliefs, and incomes of US clinical neuropsychologists.