Surgical endoscopy
Robotic surgery is offered at most major medical institutions. The extent of its use within general surgical oncology, however, is poorly understood. We hypothesized that robotic surgery adoption in surgical oncology is increasing annually, that is occurring in all surgical sites, and all regions of the US. ⋯ Robotic surgery as a platform for minimally invasive surgery is increasing over time for oncologic operations. The growing use of robotic surgery will affect surgical oncology practice in the future, warranting further study of its impact on cost, outcomes, and surgical training.
Comparative Study
Transversus abdominis block utilizing liposomal bupivacaine as a non-opioid analgesic for postoperative pain management.
The use of non-narcotic modalities for postoperative analgesia may decrease exposure to opioids, thereby limiting their deleterious effects. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a liposomal bupivacaine transverse abdominis plane (TAP) block prior to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) and laparoscopic gastric bypass (LRYGB). The primary outcome was total postoperative morphine equivalents. ⋯ TAP blocks with liposomal bupivacaine lead to significantly less use of parenteral morphine equivalents and decreased LOS compared to PCA alone. Pain scores were higher in the TAP LRYGB group compared to the LRYGB PCA group, with no differences in pain scores noted in the LSG groups.
While a shift to minimally invasive techniques in rectal cancer surgery has occurred, non-inferiority of laparoscopy in terms of oncological outcomes has not been definitely demonstrated. Transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) has been pioneered to potentially overcome difficulties experienced when operating with a pure abdominal approach deep down in the pelvis. This study aimed to compare short-term oncological results of TaTME versus laparoscopic TME (lapTME), based on a strict anatomical definition for low rectal cancer on MRI. ⋯ This is the first study to compare results of TaTME with lapTME in a highly selected patient group with MRI-defined low rectal tumors. A significant decrease in R1 rate could not be demonstrated, although conversion rate was significantly lower in this TaTME cohort.
Meta Analysis
Incidence and predictors of postoperative ileus after loop ileostomy closure: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Postoperative ileus (POI) is regarded as the most clinically significant morbidity following loop ileostomy closure; however, its incidence remains poorly understood. Our objective was therefore to determine the pooled incidence of POI after loop ileostomy closure and identify risk factors associated with its development. ⋯ POI is an important complication after loop ileostomy closure, and its incidence is dependent on its definition. More research aimed at studying this complication is required to better understand risk factors for POI after loop ileostomy closure.
New persistent opioid use following surgery is a common iatrogenic complication, developing in roughly 6% of patients after elective surgery. Despite increased awareness of misuse and associated morbidity, opioids remain the cornerstone of pain management in bariatric surgery. The potential impact of new persistent opioid use on long-term postoperative outcomes is unknown. We sought to determine the relationship between new persistent opioid use and 1-year postoperative outcomes for patients undergoing bariatric surgery. ⋯ New persistent opioid use is common following bariatric surgery and associated with significantly worse physiologic and psychologic outcomes. More effective screening and postoperative surveillance tools are needed to identify these patients, who likely require more aggressive counseling and treatment to maximize the benefits of bariatric surgery.