Journal of neurotrauma
Journal of neurotrauma · Oct 2013
Inhibition of Myosin Light-Chain Kinase Attenuates Cerebral Edema after Traumatic Brain Injury in Postnatal Mice.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children less than 8 years of age leads to decline in intelligence and executive functioning. Neurological outcomes after TBI correlate to development of cerebral edema, which affect survival rates after TBI. It has been shown that myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK) increases cerebral edema and that pretreatment with an MLCK inhibitor (ML-7) reduces cerebral edema. ⋯ Mice treated with ML-7 after TBI had decreased levels of MLCK-expressing cells (20.7±4.8 vs. 149.3±40.6), less albumin extravasation (28.3±11.2 vs. 116.2±60.7 mm(2)) into surrounding parenchymal tissue, less Evans Blue extravasation (339±314 vs. 4017±560 ng/g), and showed a significant difference in wet/dry weight ratio (1.9±0.07 vs. 2.2±0.05 g), compared to saline-treated groups. Treatment with ML-7 also resulted in preserved neurological function measured by the wire hang test (57 vs. 21 sec) and two-object novel recognition test (old vs. new, 10.5 touches). We concluded that inhibition of MLCK reduces cerebral edema and preserves neurological function in PND-24 mice.
Journal of neurotrauma · Sep 2013
Non-neurological outcomes after complete traumatic spinal cord injury: the impact of surgical timing.
It remains unclear whether the benefits of early surgical timing are significant in neurologically complete spinal cord injury (SCI). We wanted to compare the effects of early and late surgical timing on non-neurological outcomes in persons with traumatic complete SCI. All cases of traumatic complete SCI referred to a single institution between 2000 and 2011 were retrospectively reviewed. ⋯ Cost of hospitalization was higher among patients operated >24h post-trauma (≤ 24 h: 22,828$ vs. >24 h: 29,714$). Surgical timing >24 h was a predictor of pneumonia, UTI, total complications. and higher cost of hospitalization after controlling for other confounding variables. This study shows that surgical decompression and stabilization ≤ 24 h following a complete SCI may be a cost-effective strategy to reduce the postoperative complication rate.
Journal of neurotrauma · Sep 2013
Multicenter StudyCare related and transit neuronal injuries after cervical spine trauma: state of care and practice in Nigeria.
Suboptimal care during extraction and transfer after spinal trauma predisposes patients to additional spinal cord injury. This study examines the factors that contribute to care related and transit injuries and suggests steps to improve standard of care in spinal trauma patients in Nigeria. It is a questionnaire-based prospective study of patients admitted with cervical cord injury to two neurosurgical centers in Enugu, Nigeria, between March 2008 and October 2010. ⋯ During subsequent transfer to definitive centers, only 36% had cervical support, although 78% were transported in ambulances. Ignorance of pre-hospital management of cervically injured patients exists in the general population and even among medical personnel and results in preventable injuries. There is need for urgent training, provision of paramedical services, and public enlightenment.