Journal of clinical anesthesia
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
The effects of preanesthetic oral clonidine on total requirement of propofol for general anesthesia.
To investigate the effects of preanesthetic oral clonidine on total propofol requirement for uniform minor surgery (breast conservative surgery: breast cancer removal with axillary lymph node dissection), and to compare the action of clonidine with that of preanesthetic oral diazepam, a commonly used benzodiazepine. ⋯ Preanesthetic oral clonidine (150 micrograms) but not diazepam (10 mg) reduced the total requirement of propofol while stabilizing hemodynamic parameters. In addition, 150 micrograms of oral clonidine attenuates the hemodynamic responses associated with tracheal intubation.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Onset and recovery of neuromuscular blockade after two doses of rocuronium in children.
To determine if 450 micrograms/kg (1.5 times the ED95) of rocuronium would result in a comparable onset with a shorter duration of action when compared with 600 micrograms/kg (2 times the ED95). ⋯ The two doses of rocuronium did not differ statistically in onset or duration. Rocuronium at 600 micrograms/kg offers more reliability than 450 micrograms/kg in achieving adequate muscle relaxation, and the lower dose may result in a significantly large number of patients who may have inadequate intubating conditions.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
The induction, maintenance, and recovery characteristics of spinal versus general anesthesia in elderly patients.
To compare the induction and recovery profiles of three combinations of general anesthesia when used as an alternative to spinal anesthesia for elderly patients. ⋯ General anesthesia with propofol and desflurane facilitates shorter induction and recovery times without adversely affecting patient comfort. Therefore, this technique may be preferable to spinal anesthesia for elderly patients undergoing short transurethral surgical procedures.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Physiological dead space/tidal volume ratio during face mask, laryngeal mask, and cuffed oropharyngeal airway spontaneous ventilation.
To compare the physiological dead space/tidal volume ratio and arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension (ETCO2) difference during spontaneous ventilation through a face mask, a laryngeal mask (LMA), or a cuffed oropharyngeal airway. ⋯ Because of the increased dead space/tidal volume ratio, breathing through a face mask required higher RR and expired minute volume than either the cuffed oropharyngeal airway or LMA, which, in contrast, showed similar effects on the quality of ventilation in spontaneously breathing anesthetized patients.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Determination of the analgesic dose-response relationship for epidural fentanyl and sufentanil with bupivacaine 0.125% in laboring patients.
To establish the analgesic effective doses as defined as a visual analog pain scale (VAS) of at least 10 for 95% of parturients (ED95) receiving either epidural fentanyl or sufentanil with bupivacaine 0.125% for labor analgesia. ⋯ Epidural analgesia with fentanyl and sufentanil in bupivacaine 0.125% behaves in a dose-response fashion allowing for the determination of equipotent dose of each.