Journal of clinical anesthesia
This is a population-based study of the safety of obstetrical anesthesia in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts between 1954 and 1985. We used data collected by the state Committee on Maternal Mortality, which was founded in 1941. There were a total of 37 maternal deaths during the study period due to anesthetic-related complications. ⋯ During the second decade, cardiovascular collapse associated with regional anesthesia was the primary cause of death. During the last decade of this study, all deaths were associated with general endotracheal anesthesia. As a result of this study and having identified the changes in the standard of care in Massachusetts that led to the reduction in maternal mortality, we offer recommendations to further improve the safety of anesthesia for childbirth in this country.
The influence of increasing doses of propofol (from 6 to 12 mg/kg/h by continuous infusion) on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction was studied in 10 patients prior to thoracic surgery. All patients were intubated with a left-sided double-lumen endobronchial tube. Initial anesthesia and muscle relaxation were accomplished by administering fentanyl, droperidol, and pancuronium. ⋯ There was no change in any respiratory or circulatory variables except systemic vascular resistance, which decreased significantly immediately after the propofol infusion commenced but returned to control values 15 min later for the rest of the observation period. After reestablishing two-lung ventilation, all variables did not differ from control values. In all patients, the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction reflex was present after institution of one-lung ventilation and was not abolished after administration of propofol in doses from 6 to 12 mg/kg/h.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Effect of labetalol or lidocaine on the hemodynamic response to intubation: a controlled randomized double-blind study.
Labetalol, a combined alpha 1- and nonselective beta-adrenergic blocking drug, was compared to lidocaine or saline to minimize the hypertensive and tachycardic response to intubation in a controlled randomized double-blind study in patients undergoing surgical procedures under general anesthesia. Forty adult patients were divided into four groups of 10 each: placebo (saline), lidocaine 100 mg, labetalol 5 mg, or labetalol 10 mg. The double-blind preparation was administered as an IV bolus just prior to induction and 2 min before the stimulus of laryngoscopy and intubation. ⋯ Labetalol 10 mg prevented a rise in heart rate after intubation compared to patients who received placebo, lidocaine 100 mg, or labetalol 5 mg. The hypertensive response to intubation was similar in all four groups. Labetalol 10 mg IV just prior to induction of anesthesia is a safe and cost-effective means of preventing tachycardia but not hypertension in response to laryngoscopy and intubation.
This North Carolina case study addresses the migration of anesthesiologists into subspecialty, clinical areas of anesthesiology over a 4-year period (1984 to 1987). Three hundred fourteen members of the North Carolina Society of Anesthesiologists (NCSA) were surveyed using a one-page questionnaire. The response rate was 93.6%. ⋯ Respondents expected additional practice options over the next 3 years with anesthesia for ambulatory diagnostic and therapeutic modalities projected to emerge at the fastest rate. In conclusion, anesthesiologists in North Carolina seem to be filling unmet needs in obstetric and cardiac anesthesia, critical care, ambulatory surgery, and pain therapy units. These observations may represent a vignette of the national scene.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
A comparison of vecuronium by continuous infusion with either isoflurane or fentanyl-nitrous oxide anesthesia.
The average infusion rate and efficacy of vecuronium bromide continuous infusions for surgical relaxation in human subjects was evaluated. Nineteen adult patients requiring more than 120 min of neuromuscular blockade for surgery were randomized to receive either fentanyl-nitrous oxide (Group 1) or isoflurane-fentanyl-nitrous oxide (Group 2). Neuromuscular function was monitored using train-of-four evoked electromyography (EMG). ⋯ An infusion of vecuronium at an initial rate of 60.0 micrograms/kg/h was then started and adjusted to maintain the first twitch at 10% of control. The average infusion rate (total infusion dose divided by the duration of the infusion) was 57.2 +/- 14 micrograms/kg/h in Group 1 (n = 10) and 42.4 +/- 12 micrograms/kg/h (n = 9) in Group 2, approximately 25% less (p = 0.02). There was a significant decrease in the infusion rate with time in Group 1 (p = 0.02), but this decrease was not observed in Group 2.